Daryl Dixon takes us to Paris for a sightseeing tour and a couple of big reveals.
“Paris Sera Toujours Paris,” Episode 3 of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1, takes us to Paris for some sightseeing, more interpersonal drama, a major reveal, and a significant cliffhanger. With the stakes raised in the series, read on below for my recap of everything that went down.
One of the things I appreciate about this show thus far is its willingness to insert random and peculiarly French oddities for seemingly no reason at all, like at the start of this episode when Daryl and Co. take directions from the obviously demented conductor of a walker orchestra.
There’s no real need to include stuff like this, which is why I’m glad the show does. There’s something to be said for consistent, welcome surprises, especially ones that give the world some eccentric texture.
Fallou Explained
Rather promptly, the gang runs into Fallou and a group of survivors who all belong to Isabelle’s multi-faith collective, all of whom consider Laurent the second coming and are extremely excited to see him.
These guys are running a relatively thriving community, and getting Laurent there means that Daryl has technically held up his end of the bargain, which means his next pressing objective is finding a boat that’ll take him back to the States.
Fallou can help with his, but first, Daryl and Isa need valuables to trade, so they head to her old apartment, where she finds some trinkets and a picture of her sister, Lily.
The sightseeing tour in and around these scenes includes a slightly meta acknowledgment that Jim Morrison of The Doors is buried in Paris, a reveal of the fate of little Aimee after Isa left Paris the first time, and a return of the burner zombies from way back in the season premiere.
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 1, episode 3 (Credit – AMC)
Laurent’s Father
With the valuables, Fallou takes Daryl and Isa to a hive of scum and villainy called the Demimonde, a progressive underground nightclub where Isa’s ex-boyfriend Quinn is hanging around, being all creepy and evil.
You’ll recall Quinn as the guy who suggested abandoning a pregnant woman in the middle of the apocalypse. Well, it turns out that was a doubly despicable suggestion since Lily was carrying his baby – Quinn is Laurent’s father.
As unpleasant as ever, Quinn wants to get to know Laurent in exchange for helping Daryl find a boat. Daryl claims not to need one that badly, which is fair enough.
Is Genet creating the walker variants?
A slight deviation here, but is there a connection between Madame Genet’s experiments and the burner zombies we’ve seen crop up a couple of times? It seems a little too much of a coincidence that we never once saw this variant Stateside, and there’s an explicit acknowledgment of dodgy experimentation.
On this subject, we don’t see Genet much in this episode, but she does pop up to hire Codron to find Daryl since he uses Daryl’s recording – which he made after he escaped the ship – to prove he’s still alive and roaming France.
Codron goes to the Demimonde, presumably to press Quinn for info, and confronts Daryl at the end of the episode.
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon (Credit – AMC)
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Episode 3 Ending Explained
At the end of the episode, Laurent overhears an argument about his parentage, and Codron shows up.
With Isa separated from Laurent, Daryl gets into a fight with Codron, which builds to the roof they’re on, collapsing, leaving things at a bit of a stalemate and the episode on a pretty major cliffhanger.
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