Based on the manga of the same name by Uru Okabe, Good Night World was adapted for Netflix by director Katsuya Kikuchi and animation studio NAZ. Combining the exaggerated power fantasy of a video game with a cripplingly human sense of dysfunction and grief, it was a guaranteed hit on the strength of its existing fanbase, so speculation about Season 2 is totally unexpected.
Plot-wise, Good Night World focuses on four members of a deeply dysfunctional family who find in a VR game called Planet the solace and connection that is sorely lacking from their real-world lives. The gaming conceit allows much of the action to take place in fantasy lands bound by levels, guilds, and screen-shaking special abilities, but the show’s core is a family drama about a mother, father, and two children who just can’t seem to play house as well as they play pretend.
Will there be a Good Night World Season 2 on Netflix?
Official Renewal Status: TBC
At the time of writing, Netflix have not renewed Good Night World for Season 2. However, the good news is that they haven’t officially canceled it either. It remains in that post-release limbo of uncertainty for now, which is by no means unusual so soon after release.
One perhaps shouldn’t get too excited, though, as the manga, which was serialized in Ura Sunday and MangaONE by Shogakukan from December 2015 to January 2017, has concluded. It was a relatively short story by the medium’s usual standards, and only collected into five volumes, all of which were adapted into the anime.
This isn’t quite a death knell, however, as the Okabe continues to flesh the world out in a currently ongoing prequel series, Good Night World End.
Good Night World is also pretty renowned for an ambiguous ending, which the show shares. Coming up with a sequel season directly continuing the story would immensely alter this, and it’s easy to imagine that long-time fans would not take to it.
For now, it’s also much too early to analyze any data regarding the show’s viewing statistics. Netflix will be looking out for all the usual metrics, such as how many people tune in and how many of those stay until the end, but it’ll be at least a week or so until we can track that for ourselves on sites like Netflix Top 10. If you have a vested interest in the show’s future, that’d be the place to keep an eye on.
Of course, though, you could always keep an eye on this very page, since we’ll update it with the latest information as soon as we get it. In the meantime, though, our official prediction is that Good Night World will not be renewed for a second season, although don’t be surprised if you see the prequel series being adapted somewhere down the line.