Peacock‘s original movie Bosco is a prison escape story that has captured the imagination of viewers with its gritty but heartfelt narrative, which is based on the true story of Quawntay “Bosco” Adams, who escaped prison to attend his daughter’s birthday party after receiving a disproportionate sentence for possession of marijuana.
Is Bosco based on a true story?
Incredibly, Bosco is based on real-life events, proving that truth is always stranger than fiction. Bosco was serving a harrowing thirty-five-year sentence after being convicted of possessing marijuana, with intent to distribute. The incredibly harsh sentence was given due to previous offenses, and the fact that at the time, there were much harder repercussions for dealing marijuana, with America in a war on drugs. That has since been changed, with the US taking a much more lenient approach to offenses of this nature, and pardoning many federal convictions for possession.
However, at the time Bosco was arrested in 2004, the book was thrown at him and he received an incredibly harsh sentence.
Is Quawntay “Bosco” Adams a real person?
Quawntay “Bosco” Adams is indeed a real person and has since gone on to turn his life around. While serving his sentence Bosco was determined to see his newborn baby and in 2006, he would initiate a clever and detailed escape plan, involving distracting guards, creating the illusion he was in bed, and using a smuggled-in hacksaw to cut through the ceiling so he could crawl through the ventilation system and escape.
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The daring prison break would succeed, and Bosco managed to leave the prison. However, he would eventually be caught again, along with an accomplice on the outside who helped him in his plan, and although he would serve over sixteen years in jail, he would finally be released and turn his life around.
Quawntay “Bosco” Adams would go on to become an inspirational public speaker, writing a book and finding an audience on social media.
What book did Bosco write?
Upon gaining his freedom, Bosco penned his autobiography, Chasin’ Freedum. An overview of the ebook on Barnes and Noble states:
“Chasin’ Freedum is an informative, touching, and amusing story that provides not only details of Quawntay’s brazen ingenious escapes but also a glimpse into the mind and heart of an intriguingly wise fool whom the media has dubbed a ladies’ man and escape artist as he desperately pursues freedom the wrong way.”
Is there a documentary about Bosco?
“The Escapist”, an episode of the NatGeo series Breakout, was made about Bosco and made him globally famous for his exploits.
In an interview with LAWave Newspapers he would reveal:
“One day, movie producers in Europe called. They wanted to make a documentary about me. I reasoned that if they were going to get paid for filming my story, I might as well get paid too, so I signed their contract.The documentary is called Breakout. After the documentary aired, I started receiving messages from people from all over the world — from Europe, Africa, and Asia — who were curious about how I escaped prison. They all wanted to know how an eighth-grade dropout from the streets of Compton could be ingenious enough to pull off these escapes.”