Mr. & Mrs. Smith Season 1 Episode 3 Recap – Does John save Gavol’s life?

By Lori Meek - February 2, 2024 (Last updated: May 20, 2024)
Mr. & Mrs. Smith Season 1 Episode 3 Recap
Mr. & Mrs. Smith | Image via Prime Video
By Lori Meek - February 2, 2024 (Last updated: May 20, 2024)




John and Jane start the episode in the honeymoon phase of their relationship. But things risk turning sour when John admits to keeping secrets from his spy wife.

In Mr. and Mrs. Smith Season 1 Episode 3, John and Jane get to spend a few days at a five-star ski resort in Italy, where they need to watch a couple with a far less loving relationship than theirs. As nicely as the romance is going, cracks in the spy marriage are already starting to show. Specifically, John’s tendency to keep secrets and go “off script,” which puts both of them in danger. 

As per the title, Mr. and Mrs. Smith are on vacation in the stunning Italian Dolomites at a fancy hotel. Of course, it’s not a real vacation as they’re there to spy on their neighbors, Gavol and Parker, and bug both their phones in time for an important phone call. Hihi is also a little passive-aggressive offering constant reminders to complete their mission this time. 

John and Jane are in that blissful new couple stage in their relationship and don’t seem to be taking Hihi too seriously. They’ve yet to sleep in the same bed together, but the romance is developing nicely. That’s more than we can say about Gavol and Parker, who are on vacation and sleeping in separate rooms because she can’t stand his snoring. 

What is John hiding from Jane?

The next day, the spy couple criticize each other’s eating style before following their targets up the slopes. On the chairlift, John admits to not knowing how to ski. Even worse, Jane finds out he’s still in contact with his mother, which is very against the rules. 

Thankfully, Gavol decides she doesn’t want to do more skiing for the day, meaning John is off the hook. The two spies follow their targets to the resort’s Christmas markets, where they only have a couple of hours to bug Gavol and Parker’s phones. 

After Jane rudely threatens to shoot a nice German couple John befriended over breakfast, the pair follow the Parkers to a restaurant. The Parkers continuously argue while John and Jane’s moods toward one another seem to mirror them. 

John follows Gavol up the gondola to a secret spa for the VIP guests. She took her phone inside the sauna, rendering it useless, so the ever-so-helpful John ordered her a bowl of uncooked rice to remove the moisture. As Gavol is opening up about her marital problems, John pretends to check if her phone is ok and successfully bugs it. 

Meanwhile, Jane gets chatting to Parker at the bar and listens to him complain about the state of his marriage. When Parker mentions how worried he is about his young son’s screen time, Jane takes the opportunity to bug his phone under the pretense of downloading a game on it. 

John ignores his spy wife’s calls but when he starts listening in on Gavol’s phone he listens as she’s being kidnaped. As it turns out, the phone call Mr. and Mrs. Smith were supposed to record was from Gavol’s kidnappers to her husband. They want Parker to relinquish his shares in exchange for his wife’s life, but the man refuses to do anything to save her. 

Does John save Gavol’s life?

The mission should end there, but to Jane’s dismay, John decides to play hero and rescue Gavol. He frees the woman and turns on his location sharing in time for Jane to find him before he succumbed to his injuries and the cold. 

In the hotel room, Jane runs a cold bath for John to help him regain feeling in his fingers and penis. Next door, Gavol is furious about her husband’s choice not to save her life. Oddly enough, the experience made Gavol and Parker realize how much they love each other. Jane and John also confess having feelings for one another. 

On the train out of the resort, John and Jane decide to start sharing a room from now on. And they also reach that level of comfort in their relationship where Jane can fart in front of her husband. 


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