The Silent Service Season One – The Battle of Tokyo Bay Episode 2 Recap: What has the President decided to do with Seabat?

By Ricky Valero
Published: February 9, 2024 (Last updated: May 20, 2024)
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The Silent Service Season One - The Battle of Tokyo Bay Episode 2 Recap
The Silent Service Season One - The Battle of Tokyo Bay | Image via Prime Video


Takao Osawa continues to thrive in the role of Captain Kaieda, leading a strong second episode featuring a massive game of cat and mouse.

With Captain Kaieda firmly in the driver’s seat of the Seabat, his next moves could be deadly for many in Episode 2 of The Silent Service Season One – The Battle of Tokyo Bay. Admiral Steiger and the US Military are sending the cavalry after the Seabat, but Captain Kaieda finds himself one step ahead of every attack. 

On the Tsunami, they are trying to figure out where the Seabat is located, but Captain Kaieda is playing games with the US military in the middle of the ocean. Although the missile from the plane hit the Seabat, the hit didn’t damage the submarine much.

As the President of the United States gets a debrief on what is happening, US Pacific Forces Admiral Steiger has informed everyone that he plans to send his entire fleet to pursue the Seabat. As they close in on Seabat, Captain Kaieda continues to play with the military by blasting Mozart over a loudspeaker to throw them off.

Captain Kaieda leaves Soshi Irie in charge of adjusting the music volume to throw off the US. However, Captain Ryan from the US military is in the room with him. Ryan steals one of the knives on board, and he and Irie start battling with one another. Things halt when Kaieda comes over the loudspeaker to announce their mission is complete (throwing off the military). Soldiers quickly run in to see what has gone down, halting the fight.

What has the President decided to do with Seabat?

After getting a debrief there is a chance that Seabat is carrying nuclear warheads. The range of the attack could be up to 800 miles, leading to the President stating that they must sink the ship near Japan. And failure is not an option.

On the Tatsunami, Hiroshi and his team are trying to devise plans to take down the Seabat. They realize there is a strong chance that Kaieda has riled up the US military so much they got the seventh fleet involved, meaning there could be a war ahead. Hiroshi tells them to gather the crew and prepare to forge ahead.

With the Seabat nearing the Ronald Regan (US Submarine), both ships prepare for what looks to be a battle ahead. The US Military calls in for helicopter support while Kaieda brings the Seabat above the water to open the line of communication with the US.

What does Kaieda demand of the US Military at sea?

Kaieda announces they have an anti-ship Tomahawk missile loaded and ready, and its warhead is not conventional (a nuke). He demands that they retreat all ships or they will suffer serious damage.

US Pacific Forces Admiral Steiger calls the ship to let them know that there is no way they have a nuke on board and to stay the course. Although the Captain questions Steiger, he tells him that it is impossible for them to have a nuke and not to waver. In response, Kaieda attempts to play chicken with the Ronald Regan, which forces their hand and moves out of the Seabat’s way. After this, Kaieda tells the team to attach the stern of the Ronald Reagan.

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