Manhunt Season 1 Episode 2 Recap – Who is sworn in as President of the United States?

By Ricky Valero
Published: March 15, 2024 (Last updated: last month)
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Manhunt Season 1 Episode 2 Recap
Manhunt | Image via Apple TV+


Manhunt has some pacing issues, but the story is riveting enough to keep you interested. Tobias Menzies continues to deliver a strong performance as Edwin Stanton.

With President Lincoln dead after the premiere, a new President is sworn into office in Episode 2 of ManhuntThe hunt for John Wilkes Booth continues, but Edwin Stanton finds himself stuck between hunting down a killer and ensuring that President Lincoln’s plan for the future stays the course. But Stanton’s hands are full with the South continuing to cause chaos and a new President unwilling to keep the word. 

Who is Lafayette Baker?

We meet Lafayette Baker, a detective hired by Edwin Stanton to hire the lead investigators who are to hunt down John Wilkes Booth. Baker informs a crew of men that, on Stanton’s orders, the murderers of President Lincoln need to be apprehended immediately.

The detectives are talking to Mrs. Surratt about her connection to John Wilkes Booth. Moments later, Lewis Powell arrives seeking help, but the two men realize that he has blood on his coat. Powell tries to escape, but the two men stop him before he can.

Who is sworn in as President of the United States?

Edwin Stanton heads to discuss things with Vice President Andrew Jackson. Jackson tells Stanton he has no plans to continue President Lincoln’s crusade to save the Blacks. Stanton fixes Jackson’s collar as he is on his way to be sworn in to become President of the United States.

John Wilkes Booth and David Harold are trying to keep moving on their way to Richmond. Harold suggests Booth shave his stache not to be so noticeable, and it pisses him off because it is his signature look. Booth sends Harold for horse feed and whiskey to get them through the night.

Who does Lafayette Baker think helped kill the President?

John Wilkes Booth had meetings with high-ranking men on Wall Street, who Baker thinks could be involved. Baker also suggests that the Confederate Secret Service could be involved because of Lincoln’s new policies. However, Baker tells Stanton that one person they should keep an eye out for is Vice President Andrew Jackson, who had the most to gain from President Lincoln’s death.

Peanuts, the theater staff member working the night of the assassination, comes in to tell Stanton that when Booth hit him over the head and got away, he noticed that he was limping pretty badly. Stanton realizes if he were really hurt, he would’ve needed to see a doctor. The officer arrived at Dr. Samuel Mudd’s house to question him about treating Booth. While Mudd says he did treat him, he didn’t know it was him.

How does Manhunt Season 1 Episode 2 end?

A man has come to get treated at Dr. Sameel Mudd’s house, and Mary Simms prepares his room. However, when she looks under the mattress, she finds Booth’s boot. On her way back from the store, Simms sees a wanted poster offering $30,000 for John Wilkes Booth.

Edwin Stanton Jr. comes up with an idea to transport President Lincoln’s body via train and do viewings across multiple cities so Americans could properly mourn him. He says the more they see the loss up close, the more support his father will get to see his vision through. Stanton loves the idea and will start to put the plan in motion.

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