Detective Forst Season 1

The wintry Polish setting is a character of its own in Detective Forst

January 16 2024, by Louie Fecou

The bleak crime drama Detective Forst is notable for its chilly aesthetic, full of mountains, snow, ice, dark streets, and dour architecture, all captured on-location...

Who is Iwo Elijah and what is the killer’s connection to Detective Forst?

January 16 2024, by Louie Fecou

Detective Forst is a gripping and dark story that sees our titular detective on the case of finding out who the Beast of Giewont is....

Detective Forst Season 2: Will Netflix Renew the Polish Thriller?

January 13 2024, by Louie Fecou

Detective Forst is already shaping up to be a sleeper hit for Netflix, and while Season 2 of the Polish crime thriller hasn’t been officially...

Detective Forst Season 1 Ending Explained – Who is the Beast of Giewont?

January 12 2024, by Jonathon Wilson

As in any good international crime drama, the ending of Detective Forst provides the big confrontation between the maverick detective and the sadistic serial killer....

Detective Forst Season 1 Review – A Polish crime thriller that works better than it should

January 12 2024, by Jonathon Wilson

If there’s one thing Netflix isn’t short of, it’s dour international crime dramas. The latest is Detective Forst, a six-part Polish series based on the...