Movie Reviews
Movie reviews are our specialty and passion. We deliver ratings and insights on films of all genres and sizes—from blockbuster hits to independent gems and streaming platform originals. Here is our extensive collection of reviews where we give our final opinion on many movies.
We also do TV Reviews too.
Deep (2021) Review – Deeply Disappointing Sci-Fi Horror That is More a Teen Drama
For a film about not being able to or allowed to fall asleep, I certainly almost did. If this is the irony of the film,...
‘My Amanda’ Review – A Middling Romantic Story With Good Performances
One of the striking messages that shines through My Amanda is this idea that being in love does not mean having those feelings leads to...
A Perfect Fit (2021) Review – A Perfect Love Story Begins With Perfect Shoes
The journey of a thousand miles begins with fabulous shoes. We often focus on choosing the perfect clothes that fit the moment and forget about...
‘The Guide to the Perfect Family’ Review – The Struggle of Modern-Day Parenting
What does a perfect family mean to you? Is it a family who enjoys watching football games together every evening? The traditional family, who runs...
‘A Classic Horror’ Story Review – Will This Horror Be Remembered as a Classic?
With Netflix’s popular trilogy release Fear Street, the horror genre is all the rage at the moment. So, does A Classic Horror Story pass the...
Private Network: Who Killed Manuel Buendía? review – an expert deep dive
Netflix documentary Private Network: Who Killed Manuel Buendía? was released on the streaming service on July 14, 2021. There has been an outstanding number of...
‘Gunpowder Milkshake’ Review – Adrenaline Fuelled Indulgence
You have to love the state of action films of late. They are steeped in brutal, even grounded action—John Wick’s set by being a martial-arts...
How I Became a Super Hero review – “I know a franchise when I see one”
This review of the Netflix film How I Became a Super Hero does not contain spoilers. I’m not sure which began production first, but the...
Fear Street Part Two: 1978 review – middle chapter-itis
This review of the Netflix film Fear Street Part Two: 1978 contains no spoilers. Read the review for part 1. You could be forgiven for...
Last Summer (2021) Review – Seaside Teenage Love in Turkish Drama Film
An understated Turkish romantic drama that focuses on the feelings a teenager has as they come to age. It’s a neat little story that follows...
‘Major Grom: Plague Doctor’ Review – Who’s The Real Superhero?
“Freedom of expression is the basic human’s right,” they said. Let’s talk about freedom of expression. Imagine a world where everyone has the right to...
‘Haseen Dillruba’ Review – The More She Reveals, The More The Truth Blurs
“If love doesn’t push you to the brink of insanity, then it is not true love.” Haseen Dillruba is a quirky, refreshing Bollywood story that...
‘The 8th Night’ Review – A Very Long, Dark Night Indeed
In the simplest sense, The 8th Night is a tale about a seasoned exorcist monk (Lee Sung-min, Juvenile Justice) and his greenhorn understudy (Nam Da-reum),...
Dynasty Warriors (2021) Review – A Collide Between Fantasy and Romance of The Three Kingdoms
First of all, I’m not a gamer. I do not play Dynasty Warriors. Many of you are probably fans of this Japanese video game franchise....
‘The Tomorrow War’ Review – A Terror Machine That Overstays It’s Welcome
Nothing seems super out of the ordinary in The Tomorrow War. I’m serious. Yes, there is a relentless amount of action from many pissed-off aliens...
‘Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway’ Review – Big-Robot Action On A Human Scale
Based on a series of novels nearly three decades old, which were themselves sequels to the climactic Mobile Suit Gundam: Char’s Counterattack from 1988, which...
Audible review – a rousing success
This review of Audible is spoiler-free. Mathew Ogens (Go North) has flair, a visual style, and a superior sense of sound and sound editing. Like...
‘Fear Street Part One – 1994’ Review – Stranger Things By Way of Scream
“It began as a prank, and ended in murder,” says Heather, played by Maya Hawke (who’s graduated from an eighties teenage horror-nostalgia Netflix TV show...