Forming a strong second half of the season, Episode 8, “Peas in a Pod” represented an emotional test for some of the characters.
Suits has a weird trend of the watery first half of a season, and then once it enters the second phase it rolls out everything we love about the show. Episode 14 of Season 8 titled, “Peas in a Pod”, was a well-written episode, with the characters facing natural life choices rather than just shouting at each other over situations you wouldn’t think twice about once you have left the office.
Scottie is back but not for Harvey
The famous Dana Scott, or Scottie, is back, making Harvey’s balls dance a little at the prospect of battling with her. They flirt with each other relentlessly. and Harvey is suspicious. But in a strange twist, Scottie is after Samantha, claiming she knows of her illegal involvements and working with a rival.
“Peas in a Pod” was also personal for Louis. His therapist is in hot waters, due to one of his patients having a breakdown at work and claiming it was his fault. Louis is adamant that he should represent his legal case, worried that his therapist will lose his license.
Episode eight represented a test of character for Harvey; his circle of concern was defending the firm (meaning Samantha) but also trying to help Scottie, who he has a history with. In the mix, he also has Donna for help. As I discussed in the last episode, Harvey’s relationships are weakening, and it is out of his control. Initially in “Peas in a Pod” he refuses to help Samantha, claiming it will open up old wounds.
Regardless, out of respect and most likely hidden feelings, he does offer Scottie a deal, but their history fogs over the issue and they end up arguing. This presents a problem for Scottie because Samantha figures out with Katrina that the company she is representing is hauling fake accounts. Samantha wants to “fucking ruin her”, much to Katrina’s horror. Samantha is a character that loves some brutal revenge, and prison is on her mind.
Suits Season 8 Episode 14 (Credit – Netflix)
The entire scenario opens up unspoken wounds between Harvey and Donna, as she tries to convince him to get Samantha to drop it. In a moment of passion, Donna accuses Harvey of having no loyalty, and that he and Scottie are peas in a pod, always trying to maintain power over each other.
Alex meanwhile is taking on a somewhat emotional case involving his client that makes insulin machines. A customer is claiming the device did not work, and it killed his wife due to the error. Alex goes for the husband, claiming he did not set the machine correctly due to tiredness. This places plenty of guilt on Alex, who is not entirely sure if the machine did make an error. In the end, he does find a fault, which was also unbeknown to his client and he has to make a compromise on the case.
How does Suits Season 8 Episode 14 end?
In the end, Louis manages to help his therapist by meeting the patient and showing some compassion. This case represented development for Louis, who in previous seasons would have taken a different, more aggressive and damaging approach, but he excelled here. Harvey manages to get Katrina to twist Samantha’s arm, and she agrees to form a new deal that doesn’t land Scottie in prison.
In an ending that spoke volumes, Scottie tells Donna she will now leave Harvey alone, but the COO is insistent that the deal to help her had nothing to do with him. Harvey innocently speaks to Donna at the elevators of the office, and Thomas comes up to get her for their date. You can tell Harvey is slightly phased by this but is trying to remain rational about it. Due to his mounting loneliness, he decides to ask Samantha for a drink.