Love & Anarchy season 1, episode 6 recap – “Regrets”

By Jonathon Wilson - November 4, 2020 (Last updated: February 10, 2024)
Love & Anarchy Season 1 Recap
Love & Anarchy Season 1 Promotional Image - Courtesy of Netflix
By Jonathon Wilson - November 4, 2020 (Last updated: February 10, 2024)


The cold light of day causes some “Regrets”, but perhaps not enough to stop some relationships from speeding ahead all the same.

This recap of Love & Anarchy season 1, episode 6, “Regrets”, contains spoilers. You can check out our thoughts on the previous episode by clicking these words.

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It’s the morning after the night before, and the regrets of the title are everywhere. Lund & Lagerstedt are being ridiculed on social media, now running the risk of their acquisition being terminated by StreamUs, Denise has been dumped by Tove-Lee, the company’s highest-profile clients are jumping ship, and Sofie is apparently working from home, much to the chagrin of Max. It’s a nightmare for everyone, and Ronny’s solution is to create a bigger scandal to drown out the scandal already taking place. This will involve Stefan, who is refusing to release his book given both current circumstances and a fear that his wife will tear it apart in the DN culture section.

Max, rather daringly, goes to visit Sofie at home. Understandably, she feels guilty and says they have to stop what they’re doing, but when Max goes to leave she starts kissing him. They’re about to have sex, but Johan returns home unexpectedly, forcing Max to pose as a dishwasher repairman while Sofie and Johan sit and have a chat over lunch. He’s still going on about Isabell’s party, which he recommends Lars doesn’t attend. He’s such a pr*ck that it’s easy to root for Sofie and Max, which I suppose is the point. Nevertheless, Max, sick of being condescended to by Johan, takes his money for fixing the dishwasher, and hits the gym. Later, Sofie tries calling him, but he ignores her.

Meanwhile, Ronny and Denise bring Stefan’s ex-wife into the office to discuss the release of his new book, informing her that it’s about her and reading passages from it. It seems to work as planned. She later writes an incredibly scathing review which creates a giant online storm; they’ve generated the attention they wanted, but they sold out one of their authors to do it.

Elsewhere, Lars gatecrashes Isabell’s party and starts ranting about capitalism, which is obviously not ideal. Both Sofie and Johan are fuming. In the aftermath of the party, she says she’ll call the cleaning company — must be nice. Lars later calls Sofie while she’s trying to apologize to Max, but she ignores the call because she’s too busy smooching Max. He takes her back to his place, which you’d think would set off some alarm bells given the preponderance of posters and other naked men showering in the kitchen, but she doesn’t seem to mind. One of Max’s housemates even describes her as “old”, but admittedly not within earshot. Nevertheless, she’s unconcerned with the environment and they have sex again. After ignoring all of Lars’s calls, she finally picks up the phone to learn that her dad has been involuntarily committed to the psychiatric ward.

What did you think of Love & Anarchy season 1, episode 6, “Regrets”? Comment below.

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