Undercover season 2, episode 7 recap – what happened in “Enricochet”?

By Daniel Hart
Published: November 9, 2020 (Last updated: December 4, 2023)
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Netflix series Undercover season 2, episode 7 - Enricochet


“Enricochet” reveals how revenge is the true driver to this story as our lead character keeps blurring his personal and professional world, which may have dangerous consequences.

This recap of Netflix’s Undercover season 2, episode 7, “Enricochet” contains significant spoilers.

We recapped every episode — check out the archive.

The opening

Bob rushes over to the ranch after he senses something is wrong. He finds Nathalie and Laurent in the stables. Bob rings an ambulance as Laurent doesn’t have a pulse — he starts CPR as Nathalie explains what happened while sobbing. Bob wants to create the story that the horse Stella kicked Laurent — he initiatives a cover-up in quick-fashion. “Enricochet” sees Bob cutting corners and doing everything he can to bend the rules.

A special thanks to Bob

Jean-Pierre Berger visits the hospital and Bob explains to him that the police believe a horse kicked him. Laurent is alive and JP thanks him for calling an ambulance. Afterward, Nathalie asks the question; what do they do when Laurent wakes up? She reveals that she told Laurent that he is a cop. This changes everything for the operation.

The deal is greenlit

JP Berger tells Bob that the surgery on Laurent was successful, but they are keeping him in a coma. The talk then turns back to business — he explains that Victor cannot be trusted, but he agrees to the Venezuelan deal. JP also wants to know where Victor is as part of the deal — he wants revenge. This is the moment where Bob crosses the line as part of his role as an undercover agent.

Playing with oxygen

Nathalie visits the hospital and messes with Laurent’s oxygen tube, but then she gets startled by the machine beeping. JP enters the room, and the machine goes back to normal; he explains how the horse story is a strange event. It’s almost like something is still niggling in JP’s mind despite settling on a prosperous deal.

Capturing Victor

Bob and Carlos meet, and they plan to capture Victor at the airport. They send in an unofficial team to kidnap him; Nick and Patrick do not know about this — it’s an “off the record” operation. Victor is tasered as he leaves a taxi and is thrown into the back of a van. Bob rings JP and explains that Carlos agrees to his conditions, and they arrange a meeting. Bob and the group take off Victor’s blindfold and explain how JP wants him dead because he feels he made a deal with them. Victor is confident that they cannot do this to him as they are the police. Bob asks Victor to work with them — the alternative is to deliver him to JP. The whole story is to get revenge for Kim — Bob is showing he will stop at nothing to get his revenge.

JP arrives

Late in the night, JP meets Carlos and Bob for a meeting. They bring Victor out from the van, and Carlos gives JP an inventory list. JP insists he can deliver him the weapons, but it will cost a lot. The first delivery will be free of charge for bringing Victor — Carlos tells JP that he cannot have Victor until the first delivery. Bob rings Nick and tells him that JP is on board. Bob and Carlos place Victor in a safehouse. Carlos warns Bob that if Nick finds out about what they have done, they will be in big trouble and suggests that Bob is allowing this to get out of hand.

The ending

Stella, the horse, returns to the stables and Nathalie is relieved. However, Laurent’s mother heads over to shoot her. The horse is killed, and Nathalie is devastated.

Nathalie meets Bob in private, and she hugs the cop and cries. She didn’t know who else to call, and she’s struggling badly. Bob keeps trying to reassure her, but she’s panicking, as she doesn’t like broken promises. Bob then reveals his real name to gain her trust and explains how he’s lost everything due to this job and that he needs her. The pair kiss and have sex in the car. Bob knows he shouldn’t get involved romantically, but she carries on kissing him.

As the chapter ends, Laurent opens his eyes — oh sh*t.

Undercover season 2, episode 7 reveals how revenge is the true driver to this story as our lead character keeps blurring his personal and professional world, which may have dangerous consequences.

Additional point
  • Nathalie has a bad dream where JP takes Jackson away, and Laurent strangles her.

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