Vincenzo episode 9 recap – more deaths as Jang Joon-woo aims to take control

By Daniel Hart
Published: March 20, 2021 (Last updated: last month)
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Netflix k-drama series Vincenzo episode 9


Episode 9 continues to keep it light but then intensifies and darkens the story as the chapter progresses — the tone of the series works, making this an addictive k-drama.

This recap of the Netflix k-drama series Vincenzo episode 9 contains significant spoilers.

Following on from their united front, Cha-young and Vincenzo walk away from the press, arm in arm, smiling at each other. They head to a bar to relax — Cha-young wants to draw out Babel’s real boss, and Vincenzo agrees. Late in the evening, Vincenzo thinks about Oh Gyeong-ja; it still crawls on his mind as he thinks about his mother suffering from lung cancer. He’s starting to think his mother abandoned him because she was sick. Vincenz and Cha-young look into Jang Han-seo’s older brother, who apparently went to the states and never returned; Vincenzo notes that the older brother didn’t even return for his father’s funeral. He’s getting closer to the truth — Vincenzo versus Jang Joon-woo is going to be chaotic.

Meanwhile, to set the scene, Director Gil Jong-moon rings Jang Joon-woo and wants to make some demands — he asks him to wire money into his account and threatens to tell the Prosecutor who he really is. Jang Joon-woo agrees to do it, but when he puts the phone down, he’s furious. He knows he has to take action.

Vincenzo expects a good service for Oh Gyeong-ja

Cha-young visits Oh Gyeong-ja; the woman is so grateful for their help, and she feels ashamed. The doctors arrive and agree that she doesn’t need a certain medication, but then Vincenzo enters and questions their level of service to the patient. He demands that they give Oh Gyeong-ja medication. Vincenzo walks out, and Oh Gyeong-ja feels warmed by his presence. Will she figure out that Vincenzo is her son?

Asking for a partnership

With pressure on Babel to secure banks, partnerships and have political allegiances on their side, the Jang brothers step up their rhetoric.

Chairman Jang Han-seo gathers Prosecutor Hwang Jin-tae and his acquaintance Mr Seo and asks if they can form a partnership; he promises that he will stay humble and do his best. Jang Joon-woo is listening in to the meeting. As Prosecutor Hwang Jin-tae and Mr Seo are driving home, their car is attacked, and they are kidnapped.

They are taken to a container unit, and Jang Han-seo isn’t happy that he’s been treated like a pushover and wants respect. Jang Joon-woo then walks in with a hockey stick and a mask to hide his identity, smashes Mr Seo over the head, and kills him. The others watch in shock as he’s bludgeoned to death. Prosecutor Hwang Jin-tae asks for mercy and begs for his life, and tries to show respect.

This was a shocking moment from Jang Joon-woo — his character always comes to life suddenly; it oozes mania.

The attack on Cha-young

Vincenzo episode 9 reminds the characters of the danger they are in.

When Cha-young returns home, she’s attacked by a man with a hammer, but then Vincenzo comes to her aid. He fights two men effortlessly—cha-young wonders who sent the order to attack her. Vincenzo doesn’t think they aimed to kill her but to maim her. Cha-young asks if she can stay at his place because she wants to feel safe, but he says no and drops her off at a hotel. While there, she becomes extremely paranoid that everyone is trying to attack her.

Late in the night, Cha-young visits Vincenzo’s apartment; she’s petrified. She asks if she can crash at his. Vincenzo gives in and allows her to stay. He tells her she can stay until she feels safe. They stay up and talk, and she tells him that she isn’t irked that he was in the Mafia and that he is from a distant world — she doesn’t believe he is out to hurt or kill people. The sleepover is a chance for them both to bond, and it works. However, Cha-young would prefer to speak for longer as Vincenzo tries to go to sleep. As Vincenzo sleeps, he remembers the violence he inflicted in Italy.

Vincenzo makes the audience curious with his stubborn ways; he clearly likes Cha-young — while she seems to be ready to flirt and get closer, Vincenzo is standoffish.

It all connects

Vincenzo and Cha-young learn that director Gil Jong-moon is under protection from prosecution, and they believe Babel is involved. On the news, directors from a bank have been arrested. Cha-young believes the link is obvious after Prosecutor Seo’s death and the raid on the two banks. Vincenzo agrees that Babel killed Seo to threaten Chief Prosecutor Hwang Jin-tae, which is why there’s an investigation in two banks — they expect many investments in Babel now. They then learn that director Gil Jong-moon is trying to strike a deal with Babel. They ask Prosecutor Mr Jung if he’s willing to take part in a sting operation with him, but he refuses. Meanwhile, Jang Joon-woo is spying on them.

Later on, Mr Jung rings Cha-young and tells her that Gil Jong-moon is going with Babel and that he’s denying the charges one by one. The prosecutor wants in on the sting operation.

Good news for Jang Joon-woo

Meanwhile, Jang Han-seo offers Jang Joon-woo some good news and gives him a document. When Jang Joon-woo sees it, his eyes light up. In the next scene, Jang Joon-woo has a phone call with an American businessman about bringing their painkillers to Korea. And then, Jang Han-seo holds a shareholders meeting and announces the resumption of production of RDU-90. He wants warehouse security to triple.

The ending

The closing scenes of Vincenzo episode 9 will change everything for Vincenzo and Cha-young, especially after getting close to the victims’ families; this is getting more personal with each chapter.

Vincenzo, Cha-young and their assistant head to Gil Jong-moon’s house, and they see dead bodies. Director Gil Jong-moon is also dead. Cha-young then gets a text from the victims’ families; they apologise and state they couldn’t handle the sadness of losing their families and their anger. They ask them to be understanding after doing something foolish. The next day, Vincenzo and Cha-young are alerted to an incident and head to the highway; they see a vehicle with the families of the victims at the side of the road, all dead in a vehicle, together; it looks like they took part in group suicide as the police investigate. Vincenzo and Cha-young look over in shock. I’m sure the real reason for their deaths will become clear in episode 10.

Vincenzo episode 9 continues to keep it light but then intensifies and darkens the story as the chapter progresses — the tone of the series works, making this an addictive k-drama.

Additional points
  • The residents of the plaza are trying to find the gold bars.
  • Jang Joon-woo has sent someone to Italy to find out more information on Vincenzo.
  • Vincenzo meets the monks and offers to relocate to the temple, but they tell him that his strength has given them courage.

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