Bosch season 7, episode 8 recap – the ending explained

By M.N. Miller - June 25, 2021 (Last updated: August 26, 2021)
By M.N. Miller - June 25, 2021 (Last updated: August 26, 2021)


The Bosch season 7 finale, “Por Sonia,” is a quality, unassuming send-off of a consistently solid series.

This recap of Amazon original Bosch season 7, episode 8, “Por Sonia,” — the ending explained — contains spoilers.

Read the recap of the previous chapter.

“The fix is in.” That’s what Bosch (Titus Welliver) says to Jerry (Jamie Hector) after he is informed that Chief Irving (Lance Redick) was re-upped for another five years. Nominated by Delgado, no less. Irving continues to wrap up loose ends by approaching Lieutenant Billets (Amy Aquino) about what she plans to do. Will she pursue legal action against the department? She wants to see where the chips fall with Cooper first. Naturally, Irving sees his play. He offers Billets the permanent Captain’s seat over the East Hollywood Precinct. A hush payment for years of loyal service, right? Even then, this all comes on the day the news breaks that a strange virus is coming out of China. If this doesn’t set up an ominous tone for the Bosch season finale, nothing will.

Bosch’s Plan for Justice

Bosch is given official confirmation from his local task force and a mole within the FBI, the location of where the RICO investigation ends in LA tonight. He is playing a dangerous game in his pursuit of justice—even a brazen one. For the first time, he approaches the media to air out his dirty laundry. In fact, he doesn’t arrange a clandestine meeting. He shows up at the LA Times cafeteria. Do you see what I mean by brazen?

Crime beat reporter Scott Anderson (Ben Foster look-a-like, Eric Ladin) doesn’t want to hear Bosh’s words. He softens, discussing the quid pro quo Chief Irving had to give the FBI to get the dirt on the Mayor to be re-upped for a second term. Obviously, turning his back on the Pena investigation and was given the dirty on the mayoral investigation. 

Of course, Bosch won’t stay quiet. When Chief Irving leaves East Hollywood, Harry waits for him in the alley where Irving’s driver is parked. He lays out what happened like Irving doesn’t already know. Irving claims that Sonia, her mother, and the three other people who died in the fire got justice. You know, because Pena just ordered the fire, he didn’t throw the Molotov cocktail through the window. That earned a big, and I quote, “Fuck you” from Harry to the Chief. Irving takes two steps, turns, and tells Harry that this is the last free one he gets. “Nothing is free,” Harry mutters under his breath.

Maddie Decides Her Future

Mads throws a curveball at her career. She fills out an application to join the police force. She breaks the news to Harry, who is obviously taken back by the situation. He pictured his daughter going to college, then law school, and eventually working as a district attorney. Now, she is joining the force. An organization Harry used to believe in and now has lost his faith in. He had a plan in motion that would jeopardize his career and will certainly hurt Maddie’s career. 

New Assignments

Harry asks Billets for a favor. He doesn’t want to be Jerry’s partner anymore. So, Bosch is transferred to West Hollywood with Vega. Pierce is assigned the night shift, which doesn’t sit well with him. And Edgar is going to the Robbery-Homicide Division. Everyone thought they would go together, but Jerry is on to Harry’s game. After visiting CIT Agent Roy Lindell (Matthew Lillard), he will commit career suicide, and he doesn’t want to take anyone down with him.

Harry is going to get Pena arrested before the FBI can get their hands on him. By doing this and presenting evidence, the DA is obligated by law to file charges against him. They will have no other choice. “I can’t let it go,” he repeats a half dozen times to his partner. The little tamale girl, her mother, and the three others who died in the New Year’s Eve East Hollywood fire deserve justice. And only Harry can deliver that.

Bosch Being Bosch

Harry and Edgar set up across the street from the Elcholo Spanish Cafe, the Los Palmos 13 headquarters. They know the FBI is set up on the rooftop across the street. Jerry circles around the back while Harry jumps from the car before Jerry drives up on security. He is told to move while brandishing a gun while Harry sneaks through the kitchen. Somehow, no one seems to notice the cop walking around the kitchen. He’s that good.

When Pena enters the restaurant, Bosch texts Jerry to come and get them. He grabs Pena, pushes him through the kitchen, and the FBI has heard the entire thing. Pena is wearing the wire. They manage to escape in his iconic Jeep Grand Cherokee. That’s when Irving gets a call from the FBI, telling him either he gets their mole back or when this blows up in the media, Irving’s name will be mentioned, specifically.

Bosch brings in Pena, charges him with the murders of the little tamale girl and the other four murders. He has Pena shaking in his pants. He knows he doesn’t have a lot of time because Irving will be rolling through those doors at any minute. Pena is put into the system. The job is done. The DA will have to file, but Jerry warns not only will Irving take Pena out the back door, but he will also take the prescient log and delete the digital records. It doesn’t matter, says Harry. He will deliver the hard copy package to the DA himself if he has to do so. 

Irving walks through the door, orders Pena released, takes the evidence, and suspends Bosch effectively. He hands off Pena to a couple of cops to keep him company while they wait for the FBI to come to scoop him up and place him under protective custody. He lights a cigarette and looks up. There is Sonia Hernandez’s father pointing a gun at his face. Bosch picks up the package/hard copy evidence of the arrest, and just when he is about to say his goodbyes to drop off the records to the DA, they hear a couple of pops. Everyone runs outside, and they find Pena dead and Sonia’s father bleeding to death on the cold, hard concrete sidewalk, shot by the police officers assigned with watching Pena. Harry grabs his hand, they lock eyes, and Sonia’s father whispers, “Por Sonia.”

Harry walks over to Irving, and the only thing he likes to point out other than his gun is the weathered right pointer finger. He tells him that this is all his fault and hands over his badge. He tells him he is done and quits the force. Irving asks him, “Bosch, who are you going to be without a badge?” As he walks away, Harry delivers a line that only Michael Connelly can write and Titus Welliver can deliver: “I’m going to find out.”

The Sequel Setup

Maddie finds Harry at his house, looking over the LA skyline. She heard he quit. She asks him what he is going to do, and he responds that he doesn’t know. His daughter joins him at the railing, ponders for a moment, and tells him she would like to help. He approvingly nods his head, turns to his daughter, and says, “Okay.”

After the credits roll in Bosch season 7, episode 8, we see Harry processing his application for his private eye license in the downtown courthouse. He is told it’s going to be an eight-week wait, pending an FBI background check. This amuses Bosch, who then walks away, paving the way for the untitled spin-off show to air on IMDb later next year.

What did you think of Bosch season 7, episode 8, and the season finale ending? Let us know in the comments below!

Amazon Prime Video, TV Recaps