You season 3, episode 8 recap – “Swing and a Miss”

By Jonathon Wilson - October 15, 2021 (Last updated: February 5, 2024)
Netflix You season 3, episode 8 - Swing and a Miss
By Jonathon Wilson - October 15, 2021 (Last updated: February 5, 2024)


Episode 8 features characters discovering that Joe and Love were involved in Natalie’s murder, which not only results in an exciting action sequence but brings two characters inside of The Box. Where it will go from here is anyone’s guess!

This recap of Netflix’s You season 3, episode 8, “Swing and a Miss,” contains spoilers.

Read the review of You season 3. 

You season 3, episode 8 recap

In a seemingly calm moment for the married couple, Joe watches Love as she plants some flowers in the garden. After which, Joe and Love meet with Sherry and Cary to discuss the possibility of an open marriage. But after Joe and Love bicker, Sherry and Cary call off the arrangement claiming that Joe and Love’s foundation appears too shaky to continue.

After Theo sneaks through Matthew’s security footage, he learns that Matthew is watching Joe and Love. Believing that they now have a stable foundation, Joe and Love invite Sherry and Cary to their house. This is when Marienne calls Joe; Ryan has sent an anonymous email of Marienne’s nudes, including to her editor. Although Joe wants to help her, he can’t. Right now, he needs to keep Love happy.

When the orgy with Sherry and Cary starts, Love explodes with jealousy. A huge argument with Joe starts with Love shouting “I killed Natalie for you”. Joe and Love both realise that they may have been heard. There’s only one way to find out: go upstairs. Love says when Sherry lies, she touches her arm.

Returning to Sherry and Cary, it’s hard to tell whether Sherry and Cary heard their argument. That is until Sherry touches her arm. Cary runs out, and when Joe chases after him, Cary attempts to drown Joe in the sink. When that fails, Cary grabs the hunting equipment (that he gave to Joe nonetheless) and attempts to injure Joe. Joe, however, gets the upper hand and is able to hit Cary over the head with a large stone. At the same time, Love drags Sherry downstairs.

The ending

So are they dead? No! They’re placed into the Box and Joe and Love have sex. Each to their own. Outside, as Joe clears up, Matthew appears. He heard some commotion. Are Joe’s lies enough to brush it off? Seems unlikely. “Swing and a Miss” ends with Joe attending the court case with Marienne and Dante. It seems to go well, that is until they learn that Ryan is friends with the judge. The closing moment shows Sherry and Cary waking up in the Box.

What did you think of Netflix’s You season 3, episode 8?

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