The Silent Sea season 1 – how does Song Jian survive the lunar water?

By Daniel Hart
Published: December 24, 2021
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How does Song Jian survive the lunar water in the K-Drama series The Silent Sea season 1 - Netflix

This article, “how does Song Jian survive the lunar water,” contains spoilers regarding Netflix’s The Silent Sea season 1.

Near the end of season 1, the lead character Song Jian is attempting to make sure Luna is safe. But suddenly, she’s stopped by droplets of water coming from the pipes above. A droplet lands on her cheek, and everyone fears the worst. The reason why water is coming out of the pipes is that the lunar water is multiplying and destroying the station.

It’s a concerning moment for the audience because she is the main character and one that you focus on the most. It really does look like the end for Song Jian, which would be a brave move by the writers to kill her off.

How does Song Jian survive the lunar water in the K-Drama series The Silent Sea season 1?

After endlessly vomiting water, Song Jian closes her eyes, and it looks like she is dead. However, in the next scene, she opens them, and Doc Hong explains her symptoms have improved. By some miracle, it appears that Luna acts as an antibody, so by going near her, it suppresses the lunar water and stops it from multiplying.

However, it’s not clear whether Luna had to do something to act as an antibody. Does she touch her or focus her energies on her? We suspect so, and the reason behind this is because in the final episode, Ryu Taesuk is infected, and when she tries to walk up to him and save him, Song Jian stops her. If being close to her had stopped the infection, Ryu Taesuk would have survived. Unless, of course, it’s a gaping plot hole in the story, but we doubt it.

This moment between Song Jian and Luna strengthens their bond and secures a special relationship as season 1 ends.

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