Undercover season 3 review – the third installment brings an unlikely partnership

By Daniel Hart - January 10, 2022
Netflix Undercover season 3
By Daniel Hart - January 10, 2022


This Netflix series has made a tense viewing again, standing firm as a formidable dark horse.

This review of Netflix’s Undercover season 3 does not contain spoilers.

Undercover has calmly kept itself as a dark horse on Netflix. Building a steady fanbase, the series has given itself a possible universe, with the Netflix film Ferry having a surprising impact. The success of the series lies in its angle to present authentic personalities. The story has never been a dynamic of a gritty cop trying to bring down the man behind the curtain. Instead, the series has zeroed in on the characters, giving them life; regardless of background and intention, they are people. They are human. We are all flawed in some way, after all.

Season 3 feels like the pinnacle of the concept, but I’m sure the writers can conjure another rabbit out of the hat. By bringing in a new drug lord and motive, the story manages to give space for Bob and Ferry to team up together for a common purpose. It’s a tasty idea and wholly ambitious, especially when Ferry has the lust to kill Bob, who set him up for jail.

The ambition pays off. The character development is so embedded in the story that the concept of Bob and Ferry finding a way to team up does not even feel like an elevation of belief. Undercover season 3 melds both personalities together, making viewers wonder if they could have been genuine friends in another life. The series brings a surprising partnership that is a joy to engage with.

Few viewers will have any problems with Ferry, even if he is a raving criminal. The series has done plenty of work to provide an edge of sympathy for a character that has a lust for crime and money. Of course, his standalone film encouraged these feelings. By this point, it’s difficult to gauge what’s “good and evil” in the grand scheme of things, especially with the controversial elements of season 2.

Like Narcos, Undercover believes that the world works in well-oiled cogs, where police authorities and crime blend by the systematic process. There’s this incline that the system keeps the scenarios alive, like a bubbling monster awaiting more food. By now, the crime feels secondary, and the choices of the characters are the center point to the experience.

The new villains work magnificently in season 3. Serkan and his wife Layla present this immense power with a respected reputation. It’s not a man at a caravan park sipping beers. It’s a criminal organization that feels organized, does its vetting, and reviews each situation on a case-by-case basis. Bob certainly has his work cut out in his undercover role this time.

Cutting down to eight episodes, Undercover season 3 brings a suitable conclusion that fans will make peace with. It certainly feels like the end, but also not impossible for the universe to be extended. I have a mixed view on whether more content in this space is needed, but I certainly wouldn’t grumble. This Netflix series has made a tense viewing again, standing firm as a formidable dark horse.

What did you think of Netflix’s Undercover season 3? Comment below. 

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