Paper Girls season 1, episode 3 recap – “Blue Tongues Don’t Lie”

By Jonathon Wilson - July 29, 2022


Mac’s tragic story makes the episode and proves to be one of the main highlights of the first season. And the episode’s closing scene suggests that there could be plenty of action to come!

This recap of the Amazon originals series Paper Girls season 1, episode 3, “Blue Tongues Don’t Lie,” contains spoilers.

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Paper Girls season 1, episode 3 recap

With the sky purple and the war ongoing, Larry, who is on a mission as part of the FTS Underground to protect the asset, records himself as he prepares to have his memory wiped. Larry then goes to Jennifer, but she has no memory of who he is. Instead, she thought he was Uber Eats. However, he cannot convince her of who he (or she) is, so he leaves. In his car, he gets a message that the system has been armed. As he drives past the paper girls (minus Mac), Adult Erin picks them up and tells them she has turned the device on. 

Mac goes to the hospital and tracks down her brother, who obviously has aged a few years. He recognizes her immediately, and it’s hard for him to believe what he is witnessing. As for Mac, she believes that if her brother turned out so well, then she must be doing fantastic. But he reveals that his sister died when she was 16 years old. In the belief that it’s some sort of prank, social services are called and, therefore, take Mac away. Once Mac is gone, her brother inspects the camera that she left behind. As it appears that her brother begins to wonder whether Mac was telling the truth, he eyes up the glass she left behind. 

Mac’s brother tells the social worker that he did a DNA test, and it proves Mac is his relation. So, the social worker agrees to get rid of the file. In the end, her brother agrees to take her in. He reveals to Mac that whilst she was sick for “too long”, she was “brave as f**k” at that time. Elsewhere, Adult Erin gets kidnapped by Larry, so Young Erin, KJ, and Tiffany drive after the kidnappers. It doesn’t take long before Larry is also able to lock the three paper girls in an underground bunker with Adult Erin.

The ending

Larry orders Adult Erin, Young Erin, Tiffany, and KJ to breakfast. He quizzes them about the device and learns that they are travelers. The following morning, Mac’s brother says he’s going to take some of her blood to ensure that she never gets sick.

Meanwhile, Prioress continues to search for Mac, which leads her to the case worker, Donna. Larry reveals that STF means Standard Times Fighter and that the world is in the middle of a war as The Old Watch wants to keep things exactly as they are, i.e. keep themselves in power, whilst STF wants to fix past mistakes, which, as Larry explains, makes them the good guys. But more importantly, as Young Erin, Tiffany, KJ, and Mac traveled out of their time, they have committed a capital offense. And this makes them targets. The third episode of Paper Girls ends when Larry shows the three paper girls and Adult Erin his current solution to their problems, a giant robot.

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