Dear Edward continues to mix the downright depressing with hopeful optimism, working from the same tried and tested formula used numerous times before.
Edward’s (Colin O’Brien) whole life was forever changed when he survived an otherwise deadly plane crash. Since that traumatic day, he has tried to rebuild his own life and was starting to make real progress, even returning to public schooling. But all that progress was undone when Mahira (Jenna Qureshi)and Shay asked Edward to stay away from them. Unsure of his own overwhelming emotions, Edward retaliated by destroying one of the only things he still loves, a piano. Dear Edward Season 1 Episode 9 finds Edward in free fall while the grief group prepares for its final session.
Dear Edward Season 1 Episode 9 Recap
Edward is questioned about the vandalism by Dr. Garrity at school. He can’t think of a good reason why he pushed the piano down a flight of stairs other than to hear the noise it would make. Edward is then told that he will not be attending this school any longer, they are going to try and find him the right educational environment, but it is not here. Dr. Garrity goes to call Aunt Lacey, and Edward does a runner.
The miracle boy returns to Lacey’s home and finds Linda moaning in the spare room. Her pregnancy has taken a sudden turn, and she is rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. This traumatic event triggers painful flashbacks for Edward, who remembers key moments from the plane crash. Lacey is soon reunited with Edward at the hospital. She repeatedly says everything will be alright, yet Edward doesn’t believe her. Lacey phones Uncle John to take him home.
Why does Edward think he should be dead?
John drives Edward to his place of work. The Uncle tries to bond with Edward on the way there, opening up to his nephew. He talks about his parent’s divorce when he was a teenager. That he smashed light bulbs in response, enjoying the noise it made. John was made to see a shrink and didn’t understand why he did what he did, either.
Edward feels understood and opens up in return. He tells John that he should have died on the plane and that he swapped seats with Jordan at the last minute. Jordan should have lived. They played rock paper scissors, and Edward won, so they swapped. Edward doesn’t think he should be here. John doesn’t know how to respond, though.
In the other subplots, Sienna confronts Sam about the text messages and photos he has sent Vernon. Sam is married with a child but has kept his sexuality a secret from his wife. Sienna demands to know the truth. Sam doesn’t know what to say. He tells her that Ben was his first love. They kissed and flirted, but they were never serious. Sam tries to explain to Sienna that he only loves her. Sienna isn’t convinced, though, and orders Sam to make a final decision.
Adriana continues to campaign, with the election only a day away. Her mind is elsewhere, though; she can’t stop thinking about Kojo. Today he leaves for Ghana with his niece Becks. Adriana misses her chance to say goodbye and feels like she is fully turning into her grandmother, a lonely, old soul. She races to the airport and manages to say a proper goodbye. Nothing has changed, and neither person has offered to move for the other, but they declare their love for each other regardless.
Why is it the final session of the grief group?
Dee Dee realizes that it will be their final grief group session and asks therapist Milo if they can throw a party to celebrate. Milo agrees, commenting on how cruel the airline is being for dropping the group so soon.
Milo and Dee Dee believe that the airline feels they have justified the group and paid their dues, but this abandonment leaves the grievers stranded once again.
Dee Dee knows how important the group is to her and the others; she will be lost without it. She calls up Steve, who is making soup dumplings with Amanda. He agrees to bring the food to the party.
Later, Dee Dee meets with her daughter Zoe, totally surprising the student at her accommodation. Dee Dee opens up, stating that she and Zoe’s father failed their daughter. Dee Dee focused on appearances when she should have concentrated on Zoe’s needs instead. She tells Zoe about the affair and her father finding love in Los Angeles. Dee Dee is adamant that she can still change, though, and she promises to be a better mother and a better person on the whole. The mother and daughter then hug.
How does Edward find the letters?
At John’s work, Edward is left on his lonesome. While at the hospital, Linda gives birth. Lacey supports her friend, but the news is bittersweet. She is over the moon for Linda, although seeing other people having babies hurts when Lacey cannot.
Bored at John’s work, Edward starts to wander around the place and quickly finds a box of all his letters. He reads through them all. The letters range from people grieving for their own losses all the way to conspiracy theorists.
There are religious fanatics, hopeful children, angry adults, and those in awe of Edward’s luck and purpose. This is absolute overload for poor Edward, who breaks down crying.
Dear Edward Season 1 Episode 10 Recap
Dear Edward Season 1 Episode 10 (Credit – Apple TV+)
The finale begins with Uncle John returning to Edward, only to find the miracle boy has done a runner and is presumed missing. John contacts Lacey, and she races over to his place of work.
Lacey is rightfully furious with her partner, arguing with John about his immaturity and poor parenting skills, stating that he never pays any attention. She searches high and low for her nephew, asking neighbor Shay and checking her own home first.
Where does Edward hide?
Mahira suggests checking out the museum, and Edward has actually gone there for some self-reflection, but he soon moves on. Feeling lost and alone, Edward returns to his old apartment, using a hidden key to break in.
The home triggers flashbacks, and Edward lives in these happy memories for a fleeting moment. He takes in the precious sights and retrieves a hidden box of items. Edward then plays the piano for the first time since the crash.
The family that now lives in Edward’s old apartment return home. They recognize Edward from the news story and allow him the chance to say goodbye to the place one last time properly.
Lacey arrives, and the two visits the nearby falafel stand together. Edward finally opens up to the owner, telling him his whole family died in the plane crash. It’s an emotional and honest moment as Edward finally finds some closure and says a tearful goodbye to his family and his old life.
Why is Dee Dee sad the grief group is ending?
In the other subplots, it is election day for Adriana, and she proudly votes for herself that morning. Sam spends time with his daughter, deciding to stay with his family instead of starting a new life alone.
Steve tells Amanda how he truly feels, but she breaks up with him, addressing the unhealthy side of their relationship. And Dee Dee prepares for the final grief group session and a party she’s instigated.
She meets Father Macelvoy and opens up about her own worries. Dee Dee feels utterly alone in her life and realizes that when the support group ends, she’ll have nothing else.
Dee Dee was frustrated that no one would help her prepare for the party, but guests finally started to arrive. Zoe joins Dee Dee, Father Macelvoy, and Milo. Then Steve brings his grandmother’s famous soup dumplings.
Sam arrives, and then Adriana sneaks out of the election race to join the party too. Lacey even brings Edward to the event. It is a wholesome and heart-warming party, highlighting just how far each individual member has come.
What happens to Sam and Sienna?
After the party, Sam returns home and tells Sienna that he has chosen her and his daughter Geena. Sienna spent the day anxiously going over all the possible outcomes of the ultimatum. She realizes that Sam needs to start a new life away from them, and Sienna decides to split up with Sam instead.
Meanwhile, Lacey has a similar realization. John tries to prove to Lacey that he does pay attention, listing off Lacey’s many foibles and small details from their life together. He says how amazing she is, that she has turned Edward’s life around, but Lacey doesn’t forgive John or go racing back into his arms. She now knows her worth and has realized John isn’t right for her.
Adriana wins the election and makes a grand speech, thanking her grandma and Kojo. While Dee Dee and Zoe clean up after the party. Dee Dee suggests moving to Los Angeles and getting a job.
Dear Edward Season 1 Ending Explained
Near the finale’s end, Shay and Edward reconnect for the first time since their argument. Edward apologizes for scaring Shay and presents her with a gift. It’s the box that he took from his old apartment.
Shay comments on the random junk inside, but to Edward, these are all important memories. He passes them to Shay, thanking her for her friendship and support.
Edward admits that he would be lost without her and that he might not have made it this far. Then he mentions the box of letters. Shay is excited to read through them all.
What does Shay find in the letters?
We fast forward to ten weeks later. Adriana is sworn in, and Kojo and Becks watch on their phone in Ghana. Steve marries Daphne, and Amanda plays piano at a concert. Dee Dee paints the LA condo and informs Zoe that they’ve sold the place.
Lacey prepares a meal with Edward, Shay, Linda, and her baby. But there is no sign of John, though.
In the final moments of the episode, Shay and Edward look through the pile of letters. Shay has found a letter from a man claiming to be Edward’s uncle. Although Edward didn’t know about this man, he had another uncle.
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