Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 12 Recap

By Nubia Brice - March 27, 2023 (Last updated: September 15, 2024)
By Nubia Brice - March 27, 2023 (Last updated: September 15, 2024)


This thrilling episode will keep viewers on the edge of their seats, wondering just how much worse things can get for Ketil and his family.

We recap the Crunchyroll and Netflix anime series Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 12, “For The Love That Was Lost,” which contains spoilers.

While Canute’s (voiced by Kensho Ono) reintroduction jas been entertaining to watch, his new goals might make things harder for Thorfinn (Yuto Uemura) than ever before. His plan to size farms and assets could ruin Thorfinn and Einar’s (Shunsuke Takeuchi) chances of becoming free men, not to mention the fear and distrust it could sow in all the people of Denmark.

With Canute getting ready to set the first part of his plan in motion by taking advantage of Olmar, it could only be a matter of time before he takes control of everything Ketil (voiced by Hideaki Tezuka) has.

Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 12 Recap

The episode opens with Canute’s men laughing at how foolish Olmar looked trying to gut a pig and how to tell him that he failed in his endeavor to join Canute’s army as one of his thegns.

Who wins the fight between Olmar and Brodd?

After relentlessly humiliating Olmar for his failures, Olmar takes up his sword against Brodd and demands a fight. Brodd agrees to fight Olmar alone, but it is clear early on that he is far more skilled than Olmar.

READ: Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 11 Recap

After some encouragement from Thorgil, in which he tells his brother to “kill or die,” Olmar charges toward Brodd. Although Brodd is prepared for the blow, a hooded man in the crowd flicks a coin into his eye at the last second.

That distraction is enough for Olmar to get the upper hand in the fight, stabbing Brodd through the neck and killing him.

Why does Thorgil kill Canute’s messengers?

When Canute’s messengers come to see what the commotion is, Thorgil explains they were engaging in a duel as he assumes they will not be punished, like usual. Canute’s messengers explain that dueling is illegal as they try to arrest Thorgil, Ketil, and Olmar, prompting him to attack and kill all but one messenger.

As he attacks the last of Canute’s messengers, Thorgil asks him why they made Olmar win and why they tried to trick them.

Why did Canute’s men set Olmar up?

Canute’s messenger tells Thorgil they set Olmar up in order to arrest Ketil “in the name of collective punishment for the treason.” He then says he does not know why but that they were following Wulf’s orders.

Despite the fact that Ketil and his sons escaped, Canute still plans to seize all of his farmlands whether he is there or not. He tells his men they will leave for Ketil’s farm in three days after Floki arrives to help them.

Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 12 Ending Explained

Who helped Ketil, Thorgil, and Olmar escape?

As Leif sails, he turns back to announce that it is OK for everyone to come out. From the barrels on his ship emerge Thorgil and Olmar, while Ketil refuses to come out of his. Although Thorgil thanks Leif for helping, he reminds them that he only offered assistance in exchange for Thorfinn.

READ: Vinland Saga Season 2 Review

From beginning to end, this episode was a rollercoaster of excitement and emotions in a way I wasn’t expecting. Although we knew Canute was looking to set up Olmar, I didn’t imagine it would turn out like this or that Thorgil would simultaneously make things better and worse. It was exciting and unpredictable because even though you can always count on Thorgil for violence, he is surprisingly more intelligent than he looks.

It seems we’re getting closer and closer to Thorfinn reuniting with his comrades from season one. While I did not expect everyone from Leif to Canute to Floki to be en route all at once, I am excited to see how these reunions play out and where they lead, considering how shocking everything has been up to this point.

What did you think of the anime series Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 12? Comment below.

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