Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 23 Recap – ” Two Paths”

By Nubia Brice
Published: June 12, 2023 (Last updated: 2 days ago)
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Crunchyroll and Netflix anime series Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 23 Recap


A touching episode that almost leaves you wondering what’s left for the finale.

We recap the Crunchyroll and Netflix anime series Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 23, “Two Paths,” which contains spoilers.

Despite taking enough hits to earn an audience with Canute (Kensho Ono), their conversation did not go as Thorfinn (Yuto Uemura) hoped it would. With Canute showing no signs of stopping the violence or his seizure of Ketil’s farm, it seems the only way out may be to fight.

Although Thorfinn would clearly prefer things not to come to blows, it seems Canute is hellbent on carrying out his goal of being a savior for the Vikings, whether it ends well or not.

Here’s hoping Thorfinn can convince Canute to change his mind before things become too violent.

Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 23 Recap

The episode opens with Canute’s men encouraging Thorfinn to leave as Einar curses the Vikings, realizing those with power almost always win whether they are right or not.

In the end, Thorfinn chooses not to fight Canute, declaring he will run as opposed to the alternative, where both of them kill each other right here.

READ: Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 22 Recap

Despite saying he wouldn’t, after speaking with Thorfinn, Canute withdraws from Ketil’s farm. He even goes as far as to say he is canceling his plans to seize any other farms as well.

Where do Thorfinn and Einar decide to go after leaving the farm?

After leaving the farm, Thorfinn and Einar decide to head to Vinland. There they hope to create a sanctuary where people can feel safe from things like slavery or war.

Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 23 Ending 

Thorfinn and Einar prepare to leave, saying their goodbyes to everyone on the farm. Although they are offered money for their travels, they do not take it.

Back on Ketil’s farm, Olmar and some of the former guards tend to the fields, trying to bring them back to life. Pater continues to visit Arnheid’s grave as he promised.

With the season coming to a close soon, it’s clear the series is closing up one arc to eventually start another. It was nice to see everything Thorfinn had begun to hope for starting to come to fruition, meaning his time on the farm wasn’t a waste, even if he spent it as a slave.

READ: Vinland Saga Season 2 Review

I was surprised to see Canute’s change of heart, but at the same time, I wasn’t. Thorfinn has always seemed to have an interesting effect on Canute. It seemed appropriate that if anyone could change his mind, it would be Thorfinn, given their history from season one.

I found it quite satisfying to see their relationship come full circle, especially when it felt like they switched mindsets for most of this season.

One thing that did surprise me about this episode was how final it felt. I’m curious to see what’s left for the finale, as this episode could’ve easily been the season’s finale.

What did you think of Vinland Saga season 2, episode 23? Comment below.

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