Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 22 Recap – “Emperor of the Rebellion”

By Nubia Brice
Published: June 5, 2023 (Last updated: 2 days ago)
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Crunchyroll and Netflix anime series Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 22 Recap


After months of waiting, viewers finally see Thorfinn and Canute interact again, and it was well worth the wait.

We recap the Crunchyroll and Netflix anime series Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 22, “Emperor of the Rebellion,” which contains spoilers. 

At the end of last week’s episode, Thorfinn (Yuto Uemura) seemed to return to his vow of non-violence temporarily, but for good reason. While he isn’t the one throwing the punches, he’ll have to make it through at least one hundred of them before Canute’s (Kensho Ono) men allow him to pass. However, considering Canute rejected Thorfinn the first time, his efforts could all be for naught.

READ: Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 21 Recap

Whether or not this beating is worth it will depend on whether or not Thorfinn can withstand it in the first place, but here’s hoping he can manage that much.

Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 22 Recap

The episode opens with Throfinn taking repeated punches from Drott as the other soldiers look on, complaining about their lost bets.

Despite falling after Drott’s thirty-second punch, Thorfinn manages to stand back up and demand they finish their bet.

Does Thorfinn last all one hundred punches?

In the end, Thorfinn lasts all one hundred of Drott’s punches, thus granting him a meeting with Canute.

Does Thorfinn convince Canute to stop fighting with Ketil?

Thorfinn cannot convince Canute to stop fighting with Ketil despite his best efforts. Convinced he is the savior of the Vikings, Canute requires wealth in order to bring his goals to fruition and refuses to leave the farm.

Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 22 Ending Explained

Even with his speech about unifying people and saving the Vikings, Canute cannot convince Thorfinn and Einar of his cause. Instead, Einar calls out Canute, criticizing him for a plan that involves the death of so many innocent people.

When Canute says he will not leave Ketil’s farm, he challenges Thorfinn, saying the only way to stop him is to kill him. The episode ends with Canute’s soldiers surrounding Thorfinn and Einar.

It did not end well when viewers last saw Canute and Thorfinn together. Fans could only wonder how it would go if and when they reacted again. I must say, it was well worth the wait. Seeing Thorfinn and Canute reuniting after basically switching viewpoints makes their dynamic even more interesting than it was in the first season.

READ: Vinland Saga Season 2 Review

Their meeting, though brief and a bit hostile, really played up just how much they’ve both changed in the last four years. It felt like the perfect amount of tension, and I was on the edge of my seat, wondering how this new Canute would react to the more docile person Thorfinn had become.

Here’s hoping the next episode builds on this interaction more because both men seem to have a lot more they need to say.

What did you think of Vinland Saga season 2, episode 22? Comment below.

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