Which Episodes of Star Wars: Visions Season 2 are Canon? Explained

By Kieran Burt - May 5, 2023 (Last updated: September 14, 2024)
Which Episodes of Star Wars: Visions Season 2 are Canon
By Kieran Burt - May 5, 2023 (Last updated: September 14, 2024)

Which episodes of Star Wars: Visions Season 2 are canon? We explain the stories, along with which canonical cues the episodes took from Star Wars.

Star Wars: Visions Season 1 was a bold experiment from Lucasfilm, generally known for holding a rigid control of the Star Wars universe and the events that happen in it.

So when nine Japanese studios were free to make whatever Star Wars shorts they wanted in whatever style, it allowed for many different types of stories, none of which would fit into the Star Wars timeline.

Star Wars: Visions Season 2 continues this, but this time Lucasfilm has gone international, picking nine studios from across the world to play in the Star Wars sandbox, resulting in some creative takes on the world.

In one short, audiences are watching a Jedi and a pilot fight for the universe. Another is just a fun family race. But all of this raises one question, are they canon?

Which Episodes of Star Wars: Visions Season 2 are Canon?

Just like the first season, none of the episodes in Star Wars: Visions season two are part of the official Star Wars canon. While some could quite easily fit into the established timeline, some would cause canonical confusion.

The season itself doesn’t have a continuity either, with each episode being a self-contained story in its separate universe. It’s a unique way to explore what fits in Star Wars, as Lucasfilm usually maintains exceptionally tight control over the stories it tells.

Some studios took canonical cues from the various periods in Star Wars, while others opted to throw canon out the window entirely.

Episode 1 — “Sith”

“Sith” comes from El Guiri in Spain. It follows a former Sith apprentice as she tries to forget her previous life by painting, but it threatens to catch up with her.

This episode isn’t considered canon. It wouldn’t fit into the established canon as the paint wouldn’t be able to change color because of the Force. Furthermore, the curved lightsaber that the protagonist has wouldn’t fit in the Star Wars world of straight blades.

Episode 2 — “Screecher’s Reach”

“Screecher’s Reach” comes from Cartoon Saloon in Ireland. It shows several kids as they escape their brutal workhouse conditions to a dark and haunted cave, with one of them stepping up to take on their fears.

This episode isn’t considered canon. This episode wouldn’t fit in the established canon, as it implies the cave monster is a Sith and the woman that picks up our hero at the end. While the Sith are known for their backstabbing antics, they’re always plotting to take over the galaxy and not hiding in caves.

Episode 3 — “In the Stars”

“In the Stars” comes from Punkrobot in Chile. It follows two sisters as they grapple with the Empire’s occupation of their planet and hoarding their water.

This episode isn’t considered canon. However, as it shows the Empire’s oppression on a nameless planet and with two Force-sensitive survivors, it could easily slot into the period just before or after Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope.

Episode 4 — “I Am Your Mother”

“I Am Your Mother” comes from Aardman in the UK. It follows a mother and daughter as they bond over a family race hosted by Wedge Antilles.

This episode isn’t considered canon. While it’s not inconceivable that a world would hold a family race for their flight academy, Wedge wouldn’t be able to host it. He would be too busy fighting Imperials before or after the fall of the second Death Star.

Episode 5 — “Journey to the Dark Head”

“Journey to the Dark Head” comes from Studio Mir in South Korea. It follows a pilot and a Jedi during a war against the Sith.

This episode isn’t considered canon. While prophecies and visions are certainly a key part of Star Wars lore, one involving the heads of Force-imbued statues isn’t one. The time period in which this takes place is ambiguous, though it probably would take place many years before the prequels.

Episode 6 — “The Spy Dancer”

“The Spy Dancer” comes from Studio La Cachette in France. It centers on an Imperial-frequented cabaret, which is secretly owned by a spy.

This episode isn’t considered canon. For anyone keeping up their history, however, this short is very much inspired by the French Resistance during World War Two against the Nazis, the latter having inspired the creation of the Empire. In this way, it could easily fit into the Star Wars canon when the Empire was at its height.

Episode 7 — “The Bandits of Golak”

“The Bandits of Golak” comes from 88 Pictures in India. Pursued by the Empire, a boy and his Force-sensitive sister seek to hide at a vibrant Dhaba.

This episode isn’t considered canon. It tells a story familiar to those who have played Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, as an Inquisitor hunts down someone who has the potential to become a Jedi, even starting on a train.

This episode could quickly occur within the period between Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, taking parts like Purge Troopers and the circle-hilted saber.

Episode 8 — “The Pit”

“The Pit” comes from D’art Shatajio in Japan, in collaboration with Lucasfilm Ltd, and follows a prisoner digging Kyber for the Empire as she plans her escape.

This episode isn’t considered canon. Kyber crystals are abundantly found on Ilum, and this short takes place on a desert planet.

Episode 9 — “Aau’s Song”

“Aau’s Song” comes from Triggerfish in South Africa. It follows a young child who longs to sing but is forced to stay quiet as her voice threatens the stability of the mines she works in.

This episode isn’t considered canon. While the method for purifying kyber hasn’t been shown, it likely isn’t due to someone’s singing voice. Star Wars, for all its music, has yet to delve into the power of song.

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