Deadloch Season 1 Episode 2 Recap – Who is the new suspect in the Lathan murders?

By Ricky Valero
Published: June 2, 2023 (Last updated: June 5, 2023)
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Deadloch Season 1 Episode 2 Recap - Who is the new suspect in the Lathan murders?


Deadloch has a strong second episode with stand-out performances from Kate Box and Madeleine Sami.

This recap of the Prime Video series Deadloch Season 1 Episode 2 contains spoilers.

We had a break in the case of the Lathan murders in episode two of Deadloch, as Detective Redcliffe and Dulcie finally come together to spearhead a new suspect after discovering new evidence.

Deadloch Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

The episode begins with a man on a boat cutting up tongues and putting them in an ice chest. Cath grills Dulcie about her lack of communication about being more involved with the case. However, Cath says she understands and will try to be more flexible.

What was the cause of the death of Gavin Lathan?

We saw the dead body washed up to the shore at the end of episode one, and now we’ve confirmed that Gavin Latham is dead along with his brother Nathan. The medical examiner proved that the autopsy confirmed that Gavin was killed like Nathan, with strangulation and his tongue cut off.

Dulcie and Detective Redcliffe are off to the Sawmill and, in the car, discuss their theories on who the murderer is. Once they arrive, Phil McGangus is awaiting them, who runs the mill. Redcliffe and Phil have a war of words, as she does with everyone she comes across, and he doesn’t provide much information. They arrive to grill Vanessa about the deaths of Gavin and Nathan. We discover that Gavin and Nathan owned part of the Mill with Phil, opening the door for Redcliffe to add him as a suspect.

Dulcie heads to visit Margaret to discuss the death of her husband, Rod. She asks quite a bit about his body, whether she saw it, but she doesn’t provide anything other than finding out that Claire had been the one that found the body. She visits Claire, who has made a drawing of finding Rod’s body, which she has hanging on her wall.

At the stakeout, Abby realizes Phil is loading cardboard boxes into his truck. They begin to follow the vehicle with the boxes. We move the following morning with Dulcie inside Redcliffe’s apartment, where she asks her to dig up Rod’s body, and she says no. However, she calls James to dig up Rod’s body and says she has permission from Redcliffe.

At the funeral, we hear Vanessa singing “I Can Feel It Coming Back Again” by Pearl Jam while Abby gives Redcliffe the rundown of everyone at the funeral. While that happens, Ted begins to attempt to dig up Rod, and it interrupts the funeral. It upsets Phil, who calls her out for her terrible work in the town.

After chirping around at the funeral gathering, Redcliffe sees a picture and discovers it is Sam O’Dwyer. She heads to talk to his wife, Victoria, at the bakery and grills her until Dulcie arrives to apologize for her actions. After pulling her out of the store, Dulcie tells her that Sam is gone, and she reignites that loss with Victoria. The two argue, with Dulcie telling her it is her town.

Who is the new suspect in the Lathan murders?

Detective Redcliffe sees a boat in the background of a picture. It ignites something she saw in footage earlier with Dulcie. At the station, they realize the boat is the same as in the video footage of Nathan and Gavin fighting. Dulcie pulls a file and discovers Sam went missing five days after Rod Dixon’s body was found. Also, a photo reveals that Rod’s face had the same markings as Nathan’s and Gavin’s. The video also showed a person in the boat during the fight. The ladies believe that Sam is the murderer.

Abby calls her boyfriend, James (medical examiner), to tell him she believes the killer didn’t use multiple knives but one knife with two blades. However, moments later, she overhears him pitching that same thing to Dulcie, who is impressed with the findings.

Deadloch Season 1 Episode 2 Ending Explained

In the apartment she’s staying in, Detective Redcliffe realizes she is staying at Sam O’Dwyer’s place. A masked man runs out of the back of the apartment, causing her to go on the hunt for them. As this happens, everyone at the bar goes to the marina, where Sam O’Dwyer’s boat is on fire. While Dulcie calls Redcliffe, in the chase, she loses her phone and is trying to find it. As she begins the pursuit again, she trips and falls, and the episode ends.

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Amazon Prime Video, Streaming Service, TV, Weekly TV
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