Does Devi lose her virginity in Never Have I Ever Season 4?

By Ricky Valero
Published: June 9, 2023
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Does Devi lose her virginity in Never Have I Ever Season 4

Does Devi lose her virginity in Never Have I Ever Season 4? We debate a hot topic in the popular Netflix series. 

As we say farewell to our friends at Sherman Oak High in Never Have I Ever Season 4, the series answered many of the questions we were yearning for. One of the bigger questions is, would Devi lose her virginity? And if she did, who would it be with?

Devi Vishwakumar had thought about losing her virginity throughout High School. It’s something that she had talked about amongst her friends, and as she shifted into her last year, she even wanted to become a sexually active person.

Finally, in season four, Devi explored a side of herself she had been yearning for all along.

Is Devi a virgin in Never Have I Ever Season 4?

During Season 3 of Never Have I Ever, Ben had jokingly given Devi a coupon that entitled her to “One Free Boink.” At the end of the season, we saw Devi show up at his house and hand him the coupon, the couple kissed, and the season ended. With Season 4 picking up shortly after that moment between Ben and Devi, Devi wasn’t a virgin any longer.

Does Devi lose her virginity in Never Have I Ever Season 4?

The events of Season 4 pick up shortly after the end of Season 3. We were left off with Devi and Ben kissing and opened up with them in bed together. Devi had finally lost her virginity.

Timeline-wise, when season 4 picked up, Devi had already had sex with Ben, as they lay in bed together in a very awkward position. As a result, I believe Devi lost her virginity in Season 3 and not in Season 4.

This wouldn’t be the only time in Season 4 Devi had sex. After being brushed off all summer by Ben, Devi had started her Senior year looking for more, and in comes Ethan, who wasn’t new to the school, but he hit a growth spurt leading to him getting hot over the summer.

Devi and Ethan end up dating and hooking up later in the season.

What episode does Devi lose her virginity in Never Have I Ever Season 4?

Episode 1 of Season 4 titled, “…lost my virginity.” In the opening moments of season 4, John McEnroe narrates, “This is the house that Devi had lost her virginity, the outfit she wore and the dinner she ate.”

After wanting to do it forever, Devi finally had sex. She lay in bed under the covers with Ben in a very awkward moment between the two. Neither of them knew what to say or what to do, leading to Devi hoping that Ben would say something nice to her, but instead, he says, “I should hit the hay.” This leads to Devi leaving Ben’s house in a very awkward state.

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