Does Devi get into Princeton in Never Have I Ever Season 4?

By Ricky Valero
Published: June 9, 2023
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Does Devi get into Princeton in Never Have I Ever Season 4

Does Devi get into Princeton in Never Have I Ever Season 4? We discuss a key plot point in the fourth season of the popular Netflix series.

If you follow Devi in Never Have I Ever, you know that her number one goal was to get into Princeton. Throughout the final season of the series, we followed Devi in her journey to make that happen.

From a friend getting her spot to boys getting in the way to Devi almost self-sabotaging, the ride wasn’t as smooth as she had hoped, but was it ever for her?

What choices does Devi have for college?

While Devi’s mom had told her that she should apply to more than just Ivy League schools, Devi did what she wanted, applying to just Ivy League schools Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Dartmouth, Penn, Brown, Cornell, and Princeton.

Why does Devi want to go to Princeton?

As a little girl, Devi said she wanted to go to “Princess College,” and her father told her that it wasn’t real and suggested she attend Princeton instead.

Since that day, and more so since his passing, Devi wanted to follow through with that to stay closely connected to her father.

Does Devi get into Princeton in Never Have I Ever Season 4?

Devi’s first application for early acceptance had been deferred. In Episode 8, Devi gets waitlisted by Princeton, along with seven rejections from the remaining Ivy League schools.

Devi called Ashkara, the Princeton rep, to find out why her application had been rejected. She explained that the essay she wrote wasn’t from her heart, and if she wanted to be considered, she needed to dig deep into why she wanted to go to Princeton.

After finding out that she didn’t plan on writing the essay from Trent, Ben bolted over to Devi’s house to explain why she needed to do it. After the two talked, Devi agreed that she would write the essay.

In her essay, she explained the meaning of getting into Princeton and how it had been her dream for a long time because she felt it would be a way to stay connected with her dad since his passing. In the same fashion that he did when Devi first had sex, John McEnroe narrates the outfit she wore, the car she drove, and the lunch she ate the moment she found out she was accepted to Princeton.

Why did Devi nearly not get into Princeton in Never Have I Ever Season 4?

Devi self-sabotages everything and almost does so in her efforts to make it into Princeton. During their “college days” at school, Devi was excited to make a massive impression on the Princeton rep, but it went wrong. 

However, when she walks up on the line, she realizes how long it is, but she also recognizes the rep from Princeton looks just like her (Indian). So, she cuts in front of the girl in line and begins to talk to Ashkara, the Princeton rep.

Ashkara repeatedly asked Devi to stop talking, and she refused. Ashkara told her she had everything she needed. Devi had thought she had blown her chance of getting into the school of her dreams.

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