The Crowded Room Season 1 Episode 4 Recap – what happened to Danny’s father?

By Adam Lock
Published: June 16, 2023 (Last updated: last month)
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Apple TV+ series The Crowded Room Season 1 Episode 4 Recap


The Crowded Room thinks it’s a lot smarter than it actually is. The writers structure the entire storyline around a seemingly obvious plot twist, hoping to surprise their viewers. It’s a miscalculated approach that scuppers the whole show. That been said, Jason Isaacs makes for a welcome addition to the cast, with his eccentric portrayal.

We recap the Apple TV+ series The Crowded Room Season 1 Episode 4, “London,” which contains spoilers.

The Crowded Room takes a trip to rainy London as Danny (Tom Holland) searches for his father in further flashback sequences. “London” finds Danny at his lowest yet as he runs away from the law and struggles to make ends meet in the seedier side of the capital.

The Crowded Room Season 1 Episode 4 Recap

After landing in England, Danny phones a local travel agency hoping to be reunited with his father, Pete Sullivan. Danny explains to Rya how his father left the family when he was only six-years-old.

At the travel agency, where Pete apparently worked, Danny is introduced to Jack, played by a mustachioed Jason Isaacs.

What happened to Danny’s father?

Jack takes Danny out for a drink to update him on Pete’s whereabouts. He tells Danny that they were business associates, but they haven’t spoken in years. After business abroad ended badly, Pete had to lay low and leave the country.

Danny talks about Yitzak urging him to find his father in London. It’s revealed that Jack actually knows Yitzak and worked with him too. Yitzak promised that he would look after Danny in the States. This explains why he randomly turned up on his street and saved him from the bullies.

Rya doesn’t quite believe this story though, again it seems far too coincidental and far-fetched for her liking. Yet Danny continues, adamant that Yitzak was in America to keep an eye on him.

Jack asks Danny why he’s on the run, but Danny refuses to elaborate. He gets rather drunk and nearly starts a fight in the bar.

Later that night, Danny finds some accommodation and Jack phones Yitzak. He informs the Israeli that Danny is safe and that he is earning his trust.

The next morning, Danny and Jack walk through the city together. Danny hides from the police and Jack agrees to help him with his money problems.

What is Rya’s theory?

Once again, Rya questions everything. She’s struggling to fully comprehend this tale of espionage and far-fetched promises. Rya wonders if Danny is the one pulling the strings. This offends Danny, who aggressively refutes her theory.

Back in London, Jack proposes a method for Danny to earn some money. A man called Reggie Silver apparently owes Pete a lot of money. The dodgy business abroad was actually an illegal import job for Reggie.

Pete ended up being chased by the authorities and never claimed his portion of the earnings.

Jack wants Danny to ask for his share and Danny agrees to do it. Danny heads to Reggie’s strip-club, where he nervously asks for his father’s money.

Reggie thinks the whole thing is one big joke though and he has his security guards drag Danny out of the premises.

Why does Danny head back to America?

Next, Danny frantically searches for Jack all across London, retracing his steps from the night before. Jack eventually re-emerges, suggesting that Danny stops running altogether. He needs to face his fears and accept the consequences. Jack orders Danny to return home, to burn his passport and to face the music.

This pep talk works a treat and Danny blindly follows Jack’s orders. Back at the boarding house, Ariana and Yitzak are nowhere to be found, having bolted without their belongings.

Danny burns his passport and his art book, then the police arrest him on his doorstep.

Back in the present, Rya questions Danny about his so-called friends and their decision to run. Danny thinks that Rya is insinuating that he killed them both. He defends himself, stating that he loved Ariana, he’d never hurt her.

Danny can’t understand this absurd plot to con him and frame him for the crime, adding that it makes absolutely no sense. Rya finally agrees with him.

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The Crowded Room Season 1 Episode 4 Ending Explained

Rya asks about Danny’s twin brother Adam again. Danny admits that he died, but refuses to go into detail. He asks to leave the room, growing rather agitated by the questioning.

The episode ends with Rya interviewing Jack in the very same interrogation room. Rya says that Danny could be in a lot of trouble. Jack states that he helped the police, he made sure Danny returned to the States. Rya thinks they should tell Danny the truth, but Jack thinks that is a terrible idea.

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