Bosch: Legacy Season 2 Episode 8 Recap – Who dies in “Seventy-Four Degrees in Belize”?

By Ricky Valero - November 3, 2023 (Last updated: September 15, 2024)
Bosch: Legacy Season 2 Episode 8
Bosch: Legacy Season 2 | Image via Freevee
By Ricky Valero - November 3, 2023 (Last updated: September 15, 2024)


“Seventy-Four Degrees in Belize” delivers shootouts, arrests, and drama that ramps up the stakes as we head into the final two episodes of the season.

The FBI’s case against Harry and Chandler begins to get stronger and stronger in Episode 8 of Bosch: Legacy Season 2. As that happens, a deadly showdown between Harry, Don, and Kevin transpires, leading to a massive investigation into the death of Lexi Parks. 

With a couple of deaths, this outing ratchets up the drama. Our recap contains all the details but beware of major spoilers on the way.

Bosch: Legacy Season 2 Episode 8 Recap

The episode picks up right where Episode 7 left off, with us seeing the aftermath of Don and Kevin running Harry and Mo off the road, causing them to crash off a cliff. We see the camera pan in, and it was actually Harry and Mo inside the car and hurt pretty badly.

At the hospital, a banged-up Harry visits Mo, who is suffering from a concussion, in the hospital. Harry picks his brain to see if he remembered anything leading up to the accident. He tells him that he remembers the revving of an engine and the color leading to Harry realizing it was a muscle car.

What surveillance footage does Harry have?

Harry is showing footage to Chandler, which was Don and Kevin making a deal with Paul and Peter at the pawn shop. Paul and Peter had a secret video camera inside the shop that Don and Kevin didn’t know about, and now Harry has the footage to use as ammunition.

The FBI walks up on Maddie to ask her some questions about her whereabouts the night the pipeline blew up. When the FBI begins to push Maddie harder, she clams up and tells them she isn’t talking to them anymore.

What happens to David Foster in Prison?

We see Chandler visit David Foster, who is in a hospital. He informs Chandler that the guards had left him in the hallway, and a few of the prisoners jumped him and beat him down. He further explains that the guards got some shots of their own on him.

Harry heads to talk to Dr. Schubert about the Lexi Parks murder. He tells him to come clean about everything, or his practice will be gone forever. Dr. Schubert tells him that he slept with his patient, and it was a setup by Don and Kevin. However, as they talk, Don and Kevin walk up to Dr. Schubert’s house.

Who dies in “Seventy-Four Degrees in Belize?”

Harry gets Dr. Schubert into a secure room, but he comes out of the room to plead with Don and Kevin saying he didn’t tell Harry anything. This is when Kevin shoots and kills Dr. Schubert, and at the same time, Harry shoots Kevin multiple times. Don escapes out the back as the cops arrive.

How does Bosch: Legacy Season 2 Episode 8 end?

The FBI got a warrant to search Chandler’s practice and her and Harry’s houses. One of the agents found a phone call between Chandler, Harry, and someone else threatening them. It makes them believe she knew about the pipeline explosion in real time. As a result, she was arrested as the episode ended.

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