Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 1 Episode 7 Recap – Equal Rights, Equal Lefts

By Jonathon Wilson
Published: February 22, 2024
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Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 1 Episode 7 Recap
Avatar: The Last Airbender


“The North” sets the stage for the finale, tying several threads and details together in time for the final battle.

Episode 7 of Avatar: The Last Airbender starts with Zuko’s death. But not really! While the crux of the action takes place in the Northern Water Tribe capital of Agna Qel’a, one mustn’t forget that the Season 1 finale has set up a face turn for the ages in the background.

Zhao Makes His Move

So, here’s what’s going on with Zuko. Lieutenant Jee arrives after overhearing that the Imperial Guard is on their way to arrest him, with Zhao having presumably found a way to convince Ozai that he’s a traitor. In a panic, Iroh sends Zuko away on a small rowboat.

However, we quickly learn that this is a scheme cooked up by Zhao and Dang. The boat Zuko is on is full of blasting jelly, the stuff we saw being used in Episode 3. Just like that, the boat explodes, presumably killing Zuko.

Of course, this deception was already foreseen by Iroh, and we see later that Zuko is aboard the ship, disguised as one of the crew. But this keeps him sidelined for much of “The North”.

Agna Qel’a

Meanwhile, Aang, Katara, and Sokka arrive at Agna Qel’a, the capital of the Northern Water Tribe. There they meet Arnook, the tribe’s chief, his daughter Yue, the tribe’s spiritual leader, and Master Pakku, the senior Waterbending master.

While we’re here, we get a subplot for each of the three main characters.

Aang Consults Avatar Kuruk

Since the tribe’s leaders are a little unimpressed with Aang, and since Kyoshi showed him a vision in Episode 2 of Agna Qel’a being decimated by the Fire Nation, Aang consults Avatar Kuruk for help and finds him less than forthcoming.

Kuruk has a reputation as a bit of a coward for largely keeping away from his people and leaving them to their own devices. However, he reveals to Aang that this is because he became aware of encroaching evil spirits shortly after becoming the Avatar, and had to fight them in the Spirit World. The ordeal left him seriously compromised and unable to control the Avatar State. This is why Aang can’t channel him the way he did Kyoshi.

Kuruk also reveals that he lost his beloved, Ummi, to a vengeful spirit. This is one of the faces worn by Koh the Face Stealer and is what Roku referenced in Episode 6.

Kuruk convinces Aang that his friends will be burdensome to his responsibilities, and he resolves to fight the Fire Nation alone.

Sokka Gets Another Girlfriend

In the meantime, Sokka tries to build up the courage to approach Yue, whom he recognizes from somewhere. After chatting with her and finding her surprisingly “ordinary” – in a good way! – he recognizes some of her headwear. It was the same clasp tied around one of the tails of the Spirit World fox he communed with in Episode 5.

Yue confirms that she is the fox, and is part spirit, having been blessed with some of the Moon Spirit’s essence when she was a sickly child. She also kisses Sokka.

Women Can’t Fight

Finally, Katara is excited to begin her Waterbending training under Yagoda, one of the tribe’s finest tutors. However, she quickly realizes that women in the Northern Water Tribe aren’t allowed to fight – instead, they stay away from the front lines and function as healers.

Katara isn’t having this, since she has been fighting Firebenders the entire time, which is more than can be said for the Northern Tribe’s male warriors. Nevertheless, Pakku won’t budge on the issue, and Katara decides that the only way to convince him is to challenge him to a duel.

How does Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 1 Episode 7 end?

Katara and Pakku have a cool-looking duel which the latter ultimately wins, though it would have made less than no sense if he didn’t. However, Katara wins the crowd, who are all mightily impressed by how well she fared, and her point is very much proven.

Katara and Sokka both insist on remaining by Aang’s side and fighting with him. They are choosing to fight, so he doesn’t have to worry about them and feel responsible for them, which he thinks is fair enough.

Just like that, soot begins raining from the sky. The Fire Nation has arrived.

What did you think of Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 1 Episode 7? Let us know in the comments.


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