Recap: ‘Miss Night and Day’ Maintains A Comfortable Rhythm In Episodes 7 & 8

By Jonathon Wilson
Published: July 13, 2024
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Miss Night and Day Episodes 7 & 8 Recap
Miss Night and Day | Image via Netflix




Progress is made in the main relationship between Mi-jin and Ji-woong, even if Miss Night and Day is in no hurry to solve any of its ongoing mysteries.

In Episodes 7 & 8, Miss Night and Day continues to coast along in that typical trending K-Drama way. You know what I mean. Certain shows know they’re going to be popular, and they know how to string an audience along with teased mysteries and developing romances in just-right proportions.

Miss Night and Day is that kind of show. It’s entertaining in an effortless, crowd-pleasing way, which is surprisingly difficult to pull off with this kind of consistency.

The Secret Is Out

Miss Night and Day Episode 7 begins where Episode 6 left off, with Mi-jin trying to stop an undercover Ji-woong from drinking spiked beer. This whole scene spirals into slapstick silliness in that effortless way I described above. But the supplier and his girlfriend get arrested and Mi-jin gets a little closer to Ji-woong, despite her being in two places at once becoming marginally suspicious. So, we can consider that a win.

Naturally, Mi-jin’s dual identity continues to be an issue in other ways, especially when one of Im Sun’s old colleagues recognizes her (Mi-jin resembles her aunt enough to be mistaken for her; she didn’t know she used to work at the Seohan Bank.) Won is on the case, and finally puts enough pieces together – a matching cardigan, bag, keychain, and scar, among other coincidences – to determine that Mi-jin and Im Sun are one and the same.

Won lets on that he knows the secret when Sun gets unusually drowsy after accidentally drinking his crushed anxiety meds at a karaoke evening and ends up collapsing in his arms on the cusp of sunset. He gets her out of the way and hides her transformation from Ji-woong, who assumes Sun drunk-calling him from Mi-jin’s number meant she was in danger, but is forced to admit that he has gone to some creepily extreme lengths to prove his theory.

Tying Things Together + A Villain Emerges

The man behind the acid attacker turns out to be Baek Cheol-gyu, former director at Hwadong Medical Center who is rumored to have killed his wife when she ran off with another man. Cheol-gyu was never officially tied to the crime, but the wife was found dead in a motel that was subsequently renovated into a residential unit. And it’s where Ji-woong currently lives.

We learn in these two episodes that Ji-woong’s mother was a witness in the missing women’s case, and that she happened to witness something in an alley behind Seohan Bank. Since that’s where the real Im Sun used to work, it’s an obvious connection for the audience to make.

Mi-jin and Ji-woong Kiss

With gradual progress being made in their relationship throughout Miss Night & Day Episodes 7 & 8, the double-bill ends with the most substantial development yet – an actual kiss.

The circumstances in which this occurs are predictably funny. Ji-woong has a list of missing persons from the 2000s that he plans to look over, but Mi-jin suspects that Im Sun is listed on there. So, she stops by with plans to steal the offending page in a scheme that involves getting Ji-woong extremely drunk.

Of course, their drunken interactions let them swap stories and bond a little, but Mi-jin still has an objective to complete, even after Ji-woong is ready to turn in. So, out of desperation, she breaks a plate and accidentally cuts her finger on one of the broken shards. While Ji-woong goes to get a first aid kid, she looks through the list of names and discovers the one she was worried about read Im Sook, not Im Sun.

Feeling relieved by the mistake and emboldened by the alcohol, Mi-jin plants a kiss on Ji-woong.


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