Part 2 of Cobra Kai Season 6 ends in complete chaos and delivers a tragic surprise that’ll doubtlessly send a ripple effect through the remaining five episodes.
Part 2 of Cobra Kai Season 6 comes to an end in Episode 10, “Eunjangdo”, and it’s a very decent stopping point full of action, drama, and last-minute tragedy. Now, look, I will happily concede that the brawl is a bit contrived and Mr. Miyagi’s past still doesn’t fit all that snugly with the rest of the story, but we shouldn’t nitpick. This second batch of episodes hasn’t been perfect, since it has been bogged down with a lot of pointless in-fighting, so seeing Miyagi-do not just on the same page but kicking around every other dojo in the Sekai Taikai is a nice bit of catharsis.
Oh, and in case you can’t recall the episode in question, the title “Eunjangdo” is referring to Master Kim’s knife that Kreese earned in his Part 1 vision quest. Yes, someone gets stabbed. I’ll tell you who in a minute.
Mr. Miyagi’s Murderous Past
I said above that the stuff about Mr. Miyagi’s time in the Sekai Taikai isn’t all that interesting, but I have to mention it since the Part 2 finale opens with what seems like a flashback to young Miyagi fighting in the tournament. It’s not a flashback, though, but a dream — or more accurately a nightmare — that Daniel’s having. He and Miyagi fight in it, and there’s the inclusion of a very ill-advised Pat Morita deepfake, the less said about which is probably for the better.
Either way, it’s obvious that this whole thing is playing on Daniel’s mind, especially once Gunther verifies that the results Silver gave Daniel in the previous episode are legit. Deaths were relatively commonplace back then. But since there’s so much action to be getting on with in the rest of this episode, it doesn’t really come up again. We’ll check back in when Part 3 airs.
Back in the Game
I told you in the previous recap that Cobra Kai’s elimination from the Sekai Taikai wouldn’t stick, and I was right. Their re-inclusion is a little contrived, to be fair. Gunther gathers all of the teams together, even the eliminated ones, to reveal that another dojo has cheated. Sensei Ivanov’s Udar Tigra has tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs, and thus they’re disqualified. The eliminated team with the highest points total is back in the tournament, and that just so happens to be Cobra Kai.
After this demoralizing development, it’s right back to the mats. The semi-finals will be Tory against Sam (of course!) and Axel against Robby (also of course!). The rules are three two-minute rounds with unlimited scoring, a point for a hit, ten for a knockdown, and twenty for a knockout. With that many points being thrown around, any dojo can win. The semis are also being broadcast worldwide, so Amanda, Anthony, and a bunch of his friends are all watching at home.
Since Daniel is super distracted about Mr. Miyagi, he and Johnny are back to bickering again, so Miguel has to give them both a stern pep talk to get them back on the same page. There’s just about time for a training montage before all hell breaks loose.
Cobra Kai. (L to R) Courtney Henggeler as Amanda Larusso, Griffin Santopietro as Anthony LaRusso, Owen Morgan as Bert, Nathaniel Oh as Nate in Cobra Kai. Cr. Curtis Bonds Baker/Netflix © 2024
A Tragic Development
Cobra Kai Season 6, Episode 10 takes a sudden lurch into unforeseen territory during the semi-finals. Amid Robby’s match with Axel, Sensei Ivanov knocks Gunther clean unconscious and the entire tournament erupts into a massive brawl between all of the dojos and senseis.
There’s a lot going on here and it’s difficult to keep track of (it’s also still being broadcast worldwide, hilariously.) Needless to say, this is where a lot of the character work comes to fruition since the brawl is designed around certain key pairings and rivalries that have been brewing for the last five episodes. Da-eun and Chozen fight together, for example, but there are face-offs all over the place — Axel and Miguel, Daniel and Dennis, Johnny and Wolf, Tory and Zara, Kreese and Silver.
I’m not even sure who we’re supposed to be rooting for. Silver’s reintroduction and his ongoing opposition to Kreese makes me feel like he’s the Big Bad and Kreese is coming around, and the show implies this too by having Johnny help out his former sensei against Silver. In the final batch of episodes, I genuinely have no idea how all this is going to pan out.
But things end on a tragic note in the meantime. Throughout the chaos, Kreese is planning to stab Silver with his Eunjangdo, but he loses it during the kerfuffle. A bit later, Kwon finds it and tries to stab Axel. However, he’s kicked clean out of the air and falls on the knife, landing with a horrible scream. Part 2 of Cobra Kai Season 6 ends with Kwon tragically dying, which is likely to throw everything into complete disarray.