Movie Reviews

Movie reviews are our specialty and passion. We deliver ratings and insights on films of all genres and sizes—from blockbuster hits to independent gems and streaming platform originals. Here is our extensive collection of reviews where we give our final opinion on many movies.

We also do TV Reviews too.

The Takeover review – an average coding thriller film

November 1 2022, by Romey Norton

We review the Netflix film The Takeover (2022), which does not contain any significant spoilers. Action-crime-thriller Dutch film The Takeover is available for streaming on Netflix,...

The Independent review – why is this political thriller lacking?

November 1 2022, by M.N. Miller

Here is our spoiler-free review of the Peacock film The Independent, starring Ann Dowd and John Cena. Hollywood loves nothing more than a comic book...

Causeway review – two standout performances

October 31 2022, by M.N. Miller

A film starring Jennifer Lawrence and on Apple TV Plus, we give our official spoiler-free review of Causeway. There is something to be said about...

Wild Is the Wind review – what does corruption look like in South Africa?

October 29 2022, by Amanda Guarragi

We review the Netflix film Wild Is the Wind which does not contain any significant spoilers. Over the years, there have been films that highlight...

Run Sweetheart Run review – a fun yet frustrating cat-and-mouse thriller

October 29 2022, by Lori Meek

We review the Prime Video film Run Sweetheart Run starring Ella Balinska, which does not contain spoilers. After it originally premiered at Sundance in 2020, Run...

Cici review – a slow melodrama about a dysfunctional family

October 28 2022, by Lori Meek

October 2022 saw the release of the Netflix film Cici (2022) – this is our official spoiler-free review.  Cici is a dramatic offering from Turkey directed...

All Quiet on the Western Front review – a gut-wrenching and haunting masterwork

October 28 2022, by M.N. Miller

Netflix brings a seismic film in All Quiet on the Western Front (2022) – this is our spoiler-free review. There are few cinematic experiences this...

Wendell & Wild review – a stunning animation doesn’t save the story

October 27 2022, by Amanda Guarragi

Directed by Henry Selick and co-written by Jordan Peele, Netflix brings the animated film Wendell & Wild – this is our official spoiler-free review. Watching...

Hellhole review – why is this religious horror interesting but dull?

October 27 2022, by Amanda Guarragi

October 2022 saw the release of the Netflix horror film Hellhole — this is our official spoiler-free review. In 1987 Poland, a police officer investigating...

Robbing Mussolini review – Check your brain in at the door

October 27 2022, by Jonathon Wilson

Another World War Two Drama – we review the Netflix film Robbing Mussolini, which does not contain spoilers. Pietro, or Isola as he likes to...

Fugitive: The Curious Case of Carlos Ghosn review – an oddly constructed crime documentary

October 27 2022, by M.N. Miller

Netflix documentary film Fugitive: The Curious Case of Carlos Ghosn was released on October 26th, 2022 – this is our official review. The most curious...

‘The Good Nurse’ Review: Chilling Medical Betrayal Based on a True Story

October 26 2022, by M.N. Miller

Hundreds of films have been made about real-life killers or those with the “serial” stamp of approval. Sure, you have your Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer,...

Fortune Feimster: Good Fortune review – a fun, yet forgettable time

October 26 2022, by Ricky Valero

Fortune Feimster returns to Netflix for her second stand-up comedy special after Sweet and Salty,Fortune Feimster: Good Fortune. Is the special worth checking out? Let’s dive...

The Chalk Line Review and Ending Explained – A Promising, But Uneven Horror Thriller

October 25 2022, by M.N. Miller

The psychological thriller is all the rage nowadays, and this is a welcomed turn since the decades of slasher porn the world has been exposed...

Argentina, 1985 review – a story of great courage

October 22 2022, by M.N. Miller

On October 21st, 2022, Amazon Prime Video released the film Argentina, 1985 – here is our official spoiler-free review. The filmmakers take on an ambitious...

Raymond & Ray review – trauma never really leaves you

October 21 2022, by Amanda Guarragi

Ethan Hawke and Ewan McGregor star in the Apple TV Plus film Raymond & Ray – this is our official non-spoiler review. It’s always interesting...

Black Adam review – a superhero film with a stunning lack of purpose

October 21 2022, by M.N. Miller

Starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, we review the DCEU film Black Adam. This review does not contain any spoilers.  It’s surprising just how run-of-the-mill the...

Descendant review – equally fascinating as it is riveting

October 21 2022, by M.N. Miller

The insightful Netflix documentary film Descendant was released on Friday, October 21st, 2022 – here is our official review. Descendant is an extraordinary documentary film...