Movie Reviews

Movie reviews are our specialty and passion. We deliver ratings and insights on films of all genres and sizes—from blockbuster hits to independent gems and streaming platform originals. Here is our extensive collection of reviews where we give our final opinion on many movies.

We also do TV Reviews too.

Interceptor review – boredom and predictability make one hell of a pair

June 3 2022, by Kira Comerford

Interceptor follows JJ (Elsa Pataky) as she fights to save America from a coordinated attack that could see the country and everyone who lives there...

Fire Island review – a funny and enjoyable genre film

May 31 2022, by M.N. Miller

This review of the Hulu film Fire Island does not contain spoilers.  There is something so refreshing in how Fire Island doesn’t try to make...

The Bob’s Burgers Movie review – delightfully weird and comfortable in it’s own skin

May 30 2022, by M.N. Miller

This review of the film The Bob’s Burgers Movie does not contain spoilers. I have never seen an episode of the long-running Fox animated series...

Emergency (2022) review – smart college comedy that aptly tackles racism in modern America

May 27 2022, by Adam Lock

This review of the Amazon original film Emergency (2022) does not contain spoilers. Racism is unquestionably one of the most potent hot topics of our...

Top Gun: Maverick review – a full-throttle, action-packed nostalgia machine

May 25 2022, by M.N. Miller

This review of the film Top Gun: Maverick does not contain spoilers. We currently live in a time perceived to have more villains than men...

Godspeed (2022) review – sentimental drivel with a surprisingly shocking twist ending

May 23 2022, by Adam Lock

This review of the Netflix film Godspeed (2022) does not contain any major spoilers. The term Oscar bait has come to mean movies that specifically...

Jackass 4.5 review – insane, hilarious, gross and you don’t want to miss it

May 21 2022, by Ricky Valero

This review of the Netflix film Jackass 4.5 does not contain spoilers. I am a huge fan of the Jackass franchise and was rather excited...

The Kids in the Hall: Comedy Punks review – a delightful, daring documentary we all deserve

May 21 2022, by Romey Norton

Amazon Prime documentary The Kids in the Hall: Comedy Punks was released on May 20, 2022. Earlier this month Amazon released the rebooted comedy show...

F*ck Love Too review – a soulless rom-com with zero spark between the characters

May 20 2022, by Daniel Hart

This review of the Netflix film F*ck Love Too does not contain spoilers. What do you get when you combine a few romantic tropes into...

The Photographer: Murder in Pinamar review – a horrifying true crime documentary

May 20 2022, by Jonathon Wilson

This review of the Netflix documentary The Photographer: Murder in Pinamar does not contain any spoilers. Whilst you may not be overly familiar with this...

Toscana review – a film that will whet the appetites of food lovers

May 18 2022, by Kira Comerford

This review of Toscana is spoiler-free.  Toscana follows Theo (Anders Matthesen) as he ventures from Denmark to Tuscany following the death of his father. With...

The Valet (2022) review – a cute little romantic comedy to enjoy with your loved one

May 18 2022, by Ricky Valero

This review of Hulu film The Valet (2022) does not contain spoilers.  The return of the rom-com continues as Hulu is releasing the film The...

Senior Year (2022) review – Rebel Wilson is fun, the movie is not

May 13 2022, by Jacob Throneberry

This review of the Netflix film Senior Year (2022) does not contain spoilers. The film will be released on May 13, 2022. A common trope...

The Getaway King review – the brilliant tale of a legendary Polish outlaw

May 11 2022, by Kira Comerford

This review of the Netflix film The Getaway King does not contain spoilers. The Getaway King recounts the life of Zdzislaw Najmrodzki (played here by...

On the Count of Three (2022) review – Jerrod Carmichael’s directorial debut masterpiece

May 11 2022, by Ricky Valero

This review of the film On the Count of Three (2022) does not contain spoilers.  At the 2021 Sundance Film Festival, On the Count of...

Christina P: Mom Genes review – one of the best stand-up specials of the year

May 8 2022, by Ricky Valero

Netflix stand-up comedy special Christina P: Mom Genes will be released on the streaming service on May 8, 2022.  Another month and another new standup...

The Takedown review – another solid buddy cop movie

May 6 2022, by Kira Comerford

This review of the Netflix film The Takedown does not contain spoilers.  Ten years after they were originally forced to work together, mismatched cops Ousmane...

Marmaduke (2022) review – just enough bark to keep you interested throughout

May 6 2022, by Ricky Valero

This review of the Netflix film Marmaduke (2022) does not contain spoilers.  I’ve got to be honest with all of you about to read this,...