Mayans MC Recap: Who’s The Daddy?

By Jonathon Wilson - September 28, 2019 (Last updated: February 12, 2024)
Mayans MC (FX) Season 2, Episode 4 recap: "Lahun Chan"
By Jonathon Wilson - September 28, 2019 (Last updated: February 12, 2024)


Revelations and revenge were rife in “Lahun Chan”, a family-focused episode of Mayans MC.

This recap of Mayans MC Season 2, Episode 4, “Lahun Chan”, contains spoilers. You can check out our thoughts on the previous episode by clicking these words.

It’s hard to know where to begin with “Lahun Chan”, a standout episode of Mayans MC‘s second season. What’s the biggest deal here? Is it Angel (Clayton Cardenas) and EZ (JD Pardo) taking Happy Lowman (David Labrava) hostage and threatening to shoot his dog? Is it the fact that Felipe (Edward James Olmos) might be Miguel Galindo’s (Danny Pino) real dad? Is it Adelita’s (Carla Baratta) self-sacrifice to the authorities?

Who knows? Either way, a lot happened, virtually all of it guaranteed to have a substantial effect on how the rest of the season plays out. The stuff with Felipe and Dita (Ada Maris) might have snuck under the radar, mostly played for laughs as the Galindo matriarch once again slipped her security team by bribing her therapist, but Miguel’s parentage is a bombshell with a lot of implications. We still don’t know if it’s true — can you really trust a woman who willingly let herself be broiled alive? — but if it is, it doesn’t just connect Miguel with Felipe but also with Angel and EZ — not to mention Emily (Sarah Bolger), who was in a relationship with EZ beforehand and who clearly spotted Felipe’s truck outside the doctor’s office. Dita also referred to her as a “white devil”, which was hilarious.

Speaking of EZ and Angel, their plan to interrogate and kill Happy was initially a disaster in “Lahun Chan”, resulting in them fighting each other and having a needed heart-to-heart on the kitchen floor, much to the enjoyment of the stone-cold assassin. In fact, they were only able to get anything out of him at all by threatening to maim his cute doggo, which is apparently a bridge too far even for hardened hitmen in outlaw motorcycle gangs. But Happy opening up didn’t exactly make them feel better. He was hired to kill both Felipe and his wife, one assumes by the Galindo cartel. He failed the mission, or at least half of it, and went on the run. He left the Nomad charter and patched into SAMCRO, which fills in a pretty major Sons of Anarchy timeline gap. The most surprising thing about all this is that Happy decides to help EZ and Angel get to the bottom of the hit. As he himself reasons, “If someone killed my mom, I’d put a bullet between his eyes.”

“Lahun Chan” made room for some other deviations, including the Mayans coming into further conflict with the steroidal gym bunny crew, and Adelita having a stand-off with the authorities. But even that raises matters of parentage. Everyone — including the audience — seems convinced that the baby is Angel’s. But is it? Isn’t the sudden closeness between her and Galindo just a little bit suspect to anyone besides me?

At this point, it’s difficult to say. Either way, Mayans MC Season 2, Episode 4 wasn’t shy with its revelations, and fans of the show have to be excited about what else there is to learn.

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