Money Heist season 5, volume 2 – Alicia Sierra joins The Professor’s heist gang

By Daniel Hart
Published: December 3, 2021 (Last updated: February 17, 2024)
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Alicia Sierra joins The Professors heist gang in Money Heist season 5, volume 2 - Netflix series

This article, “Alicia Sierra joins The Professor’s heist gang,” contains spoilers regarding Money Heist season 5, volume 2. 

In the first half of season 5, we were getting teased by the prospect of Alicia Sierra joining The Professor’s team. After all, she’s a great character and a new mother, carrying a newborn baby in the most dangerous of circumstances. The chances of Alicia Sierra joining the heist team felt 50/50, but The Professor has managed to convert many people onto his side, including Lisbon. In the second half of season 5, Alicia Sierra tries to use The Professor as a bargaining chip for a life of freedom with Tamayo. She wants all the lies about her retracted, so she doesn’t go to prison.

Alicia Sierra joins The Professor’s heist gang in Money Heist season 5, volume 2

However, Tamayo is a stress head as usual and doesn’t accept Alicia’s terms. He could have ended it all there, but it was heart over mind. Tamayo sends in a task force to capture Sierra, who has to run off and rejoin with The Professor (he managed to get out of the trunk of her car). With tensions high, The Professor and Sierra spend all day hiding from authorities in many close shaves.

When things settle down, Alicia admits that she hasn’t been looked after since her husband and that she didn’t shed a tear at his funeral. She used the heist as a distraction, believing it would delay the sadness. The Professor tells her he will not allow her to go to prison, and in a moment of friendship, Sierra snuggles into him. The Professor has converted another character, and this time it’s Alicia Sierra.

And they make a formidable team. It’s so ironic that The Professor’s greatest foe became his greatest teammate as for the rest of the season, they both work together to end the heist and win.

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