Emily In Paris season 2 – do Emily and Gabriel end up together?

By Daniel Hart
Published: December 22, 2021 (Last updated: January 12, 2023)
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Do Emily and Gabriel end up together in Emily In Paris season 2 - netflix series

This article, “do Emily and Gabriel end up together,” contains spoilers regarding season 2 of Emily In Paris.

Read the review of season 2.

There’s a major complication in season 2. Emily believed Gabriel was leaving Paris for good, so after a night of passion and realizing there was love between them, learning that he was staying presented problems. It doesn’t help that she slept with her friend’s boyfriend. It also doesn’t help that she can’t keep her mind off Gabriel. It’s love in Paris, after all, and passions run deep.

Eventually, Camille finds out that her friend Emily slept with her boyfriend Gabriel, and it takes a while for both women to make amends. When they make amends, they create a pact — for neither of them to be with Gabriel. Outrageous right? How was that ever going to work?

Near the end of season 2, Emily realizes that she may be in Paris indefinitely after learning that Sylvie is creating her own marketing firm. Mindy tells Emily that she must ignore the pact and tell Gabriel that she loves him. She emphasizes that she’d regret it if she didn’t. Of course, at this point, Emily is in a romance with Alfie, but to be honest, it isn’t the same with him.

Do Emily and Gabriel end up together in Emily In Paris season 2?

And so, Emily, with her starry loved-up eyes, runs to Gabriel’s apartment, and she begins to express how important he is to her. As she’s about to reveal she’s in love with him, she sees Camille in his apartment with her headphones on. Camille lands the bombshell; Gabriel asked her to move into his apartment. It looks like Camille broke the pact first.

So no, Emily and Gabriel do not end up together in season 2. Like the end of season 1, complications keep these two lovebirds apart, which is frustrating to watch for the audience. We wonder if season 3 will have a conclusion to this tense love triangle.

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