Manifest season 4, episode 7 recap – who’s been caring for the detained passengers?

By Lori Meek
Published: November 4, 2022 (Last updated: November 7, 2022)
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Cal gets some awful news, followed by a smidge of happiness before it all comes crashing down. 

We recap the Netflix series Manifest season 4, episode 7, “Romeo,” which contains spoilers and details of the ending.

Since the beginning, Manifest has always been a show full of twists and turns. But this episode does a fantastic job of playing with the viewer’s emotions. Cal gets some awful news, followed by a smidge of happiness before it all comes crashing down. 

Manifest season 4, episode 7 recap

The episode opens with some devastating news after Zeke convinces Cal to go see Dr. Bates (who also happens to be Saanvi’s ex). At the oncology clinic, Cal learns his cancer is back, but they’re still waiting on some tests to confirm.  

At the Birds Nest, Vance is telling Saanvi off for not taking care of herself. She’s becoming obsessed with getting her hands on sapphire to communicate with the Divine Consciousness. So, of course, she picks apart a very expensive laser and removes the sapphire from it. All she needs to do now is figure out how to use it to get unlimited Callings. 

After hearing about Anna Ross’s murder, Ben orders Cal to stay indoors until they figure out who the serial killer is. Cal decides to disobey Ben and instead goes on a date with Violet, one of the passengers they saved back at Adrian’s comune. The date goes well. The two spend time at a karaoke bar, Cal tells Violet about his true identity, and Violet confesses she did help Angelina in the past with baby supplies. They share a kiss before parting ways, but they both make it clear a second date is on the cards. 

Ben, now fully back to co-piloting the Lifeboat, follows one of Eden’s Callings which leads him to a nursing home. Inside the nursing home, he finds a room where all the detained 828 passengers are cared for. Saanvi also arrives at the facility, and the two of them convince one of the caregivers to give them access to the passenger’s files. As Saanvi is reading their medical records, all their brain scans start glowing. 

A day after his relapse, Zeke is considering buying more liquor but stops when Dr. Bates calls him in to give him Cal’s pain medication. At the clinic, Zeke contemplates taking Cal’s prescription but changes his mind and confesses to having relapsed. He’s worried about telling Mick about it but does attend an AA meeting. 

Mick and Jared continue investigating the 828 serial killer case and they learn that Sam, the first victim, had allowed Angelina and Eden to stay in his home. The two go to Angelina’s mom who blames Mick for having rescued the girl back in Costa Rica. They then start looking at the online posts made by 828 haters and start following a potential suspect. As they’re confronting the suspect, Jared gets a call telling him there’s been a third murder, meaning the guy they were following was just a random hater, not the killer. 

Manifest season 4, episode 7 ending

Eventually, Mick and Jared figure out what her Calling means and realize it must be Noelle, Angelina’s mom, who’s killing anyone that helped her daughter. 

While discussing the events from the nursing home, Saanvi and Ben believe the detained passengers are actually in direct contact with the divine consciousness, which is why they are in a catatonic state. At the Birds Nest, Vance and Saanvi learn that Aria Gupta is the doctor that’s been looking after the passengers in the nursing homes. 

Back at home, Ben is overjoyed to hear Eden finally calling him “daddy.” The happy moment doesn’t last long as Jared arrives at the house to tell the Stone family the police have security footage of the last person to see the most recent victim alive: Cal. As it turns out, Cal’s date, Violet, was the killer’s latest target. The episode ends with Jared telling Cal he needs to run. 

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