Wolf Pack Season 1 Episode 4 recap – who dies in “Fear and Pain”?

By Ricky Valero - February 16, 2023 (Last updated: September 15, 2024)
Wolf Pack Season 1 Episode 4 recap - who dies in "Fear and Pain"?
By Ricky Valero - February 16, 2023 (Last updated: September 15, 2024)


“Fear and Pain” felt too much like a filler than it did an episode with any substance. The show is at the halfway point, and the substance is lacking.

In episode 4 of Wolf Pack, things started to come together with finding out some pivotal pieces on who the mystery voice is on the phone, the wolf that is on the loose, and the kids realizing they are part of a pact. We’ve reached the halfway point of the season and have much to unpack.

The episode begins with Kristen talking about the first and how it’s less than 20% contained. Then, she grills Austin about what he knows about what went down. His mother is in the background telling him to tell her about what is happening to him at night (assuming we have a new wolf?). However, he goes into detail about seeing the massive wolf killing people on the day of the fire. Finally, Kristen mocks the idea that this enormous wolf is killing people, and Austin storms out of the station.

Garrett sits down with the four of them, tells the story of rescuing Harlan and Luna, and then explains the bullets and the gun. The back and forth gets a little heated because they know they might need to kill their “real” father to save everyone. Next, we see Garrett taking Everett and Blake home and telling them they must go back to school and act like things are normal.

Is the giant wolf Harlan and Luna’s father?

I think we are slowly coming to the realization that he has to be. We’ve seen several chances that he could’ve killed all four kids, not just Harlan and Luna. I am beginning to wonder if he is trying to recruit the kids to be the “wolf pack.” It’ll be interesting to see what happens when Harlan and Luna are confronted with possibly having to kill their real father.

Harlan doesn’t take well to being caged, so he heads to the club to blow off some steam. The following day, each of the kids starts to notice some trembling happening to them in the middle of class. However, each of the kids realizes it is Everett, and because of his anxiety attack is causing them all to freak out simultaneously. One thing leads to another, and Harlan snatches up Everett and throws him against the wall, but Harlan’s fangs pop out, causing things to unravel.

At the police station, the cops discover that Officer Miller’s car is parked outside Garrett’s house. Kristen freaks out, wanting answers to what he is doing at their home. She tells Officer Jang to look for him on his own time as they are hunting for an arsonist. Next, we find out that the mystery man has been calling the hotel and talking to Danny, looking for Blake.

Austin approaches Luna, a known artist, to draw a picture of what he saw that day during the fire. While doing it, she notices blood dripping onto the pages, scaring her, but she quickly realizes it isn’t real. We see this is quite the theme of the episode of discovering who these kids are and some of the things that happened in their past. We also learn that Luna killed her pet horse as a little girl. Then, Garrett tells the story of how, from that day forward, he trained them not to let that beast out of them.

Even after her father told her to stay home, Blake went to work and took Danny with her. Shortly after being there, we see weird things beginning to happen, including Everett having the cameras from Blake’s work put onto his TV. Moments after looking around at the noise, we see that Danny has gone missing, and Blake screams out for help. Finally, Everett arrives with Danny in his arms, followed by Luna and Harlan arriving because she didn’t scream, she howled, and each of them heard her.

At the police station, Austin drops off the picture Luna drew of the wolf, telling the officer to give it to Kristen to put on her wall. Next, we see Kristen in the surrounding area where Officer Miller’s car is and sees blood on the tree.

Is Officer Miller Dead?

In episode 3, we saw Officer Miller get attacked by the giant wolf because he was being psychical with Harlan. What we didn’t see was what happened next. But as this episode came to a close, we saw the wolf dragging Officer Miller’s dead body up this building and dropping him down into a pile of bodies.

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