Are Ori and Karin Still Together from Jewish Matchmaking? Explained

By Louie Fecou
Published: May 6, 2023 (Last updated: March 11, 2024)
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Are Ori and Karin Still Together from Jewish Matchmaking

Are Ori and Karin still together from Jewish Matchmaking? We discuss the Netflix series and one of the potential romances. 

If you are of a certain age, you remember the television show Blind Date.

The show would feature three contestants hidden behind a screen, and a prospective date would sit at the other side of the screen and then ask them questions before picking one to go on a date.

This simple premise was a huge hit back in the day, and the show would have versions worldwide.

Today, things are a bit different, but to be honest, viewers still love the idea of putting people together and seeing what happens.

After the success of the third season of Indian Matchmaking, we are presented with Jewish Matchmaking from the same production table.

Initially, this first season has not received the overall positive reception of its predecessor, but that does not mean that we are not invested, so with all that taken care of, let’s ask the real question, are Ori and Karin still together from Jewish Matchmaking?

Who is Ori Basly from Jewish Matchmaking?

Ori Basly is a 30-year-old graphic designer living and working with his mother in Los Angeles. His mother, Tal Orion, is an event planner specializing in weddings. So far, so good. Tal and his mother are very close; he calls her the “No. 1 woman” in his life. No red flags here.

Ori would say that he has tried many dating apps but had no success, feeling that the algorithms didn’t like him. I’m not sure that’s how those apps work. However, his lack of success led him to appear on the show.

The matchmaker of the show, Aleeza Ben Shalom, certainly seemed to have a job on her hands with Ori, and his dating requirements didn’t help.

Ori was looking for a beautiful woman to date, the only kind he dates. She had to be family-oriented (preferably Israeli), with blonde hair, blue eyes, and who speaks Hebrew. Oh, and she must also be okay with him eating bacon.

I won’t spoil anything here, but it was an upward struggle.

Who is Karin from Jewish Matchmaking?

Ori had a few false starts on the show, but eventually, the show’s matchmaker, Aleeza, presents him with Karin. The mysterious date would seem to be a good match for Ori. The twenty-five-year-old attorney was bright and bubbly and shared with us that he loved to dance. That is always a good sign.

Karin also met one of Ori’s criteria, coming from a strong Israeli family and could speak Hebrew.

On their first date together, it seemed that Karin managed to bring a more human side to Ori, as they would have an open and honest chat in the small café where they would meet. Is it love?

Are Ori and Karin Still Together from Jewish Matchmaking?

Often we can find updates on the couples through their social media or on the production company’s site, but the bad news is there is no official confirmation that this couple has made it.

However, we found out that they still follow each other on some platforms, even though Ori has made his Instagram page private, so we will assume the pair are still tentatively dating.

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