Where is Tex Mex Motors on Netflix filmed?

By Louie Fecou
Published: June 15, 2023 (Last updated: March 27, 2024)
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Where is Tex Mex Motors on Netflix filmed - a breakdown of filming locations

Where is Tex Mex Motors on Netflix filmed? We discuss the popular reality show and its filming locations. 

It is no surprise that Tex Mex Motors is doing very well for Netflix. The show features a team of six incredibly skilled car mechanics and technicians, on a quest to find old abandoned cars that are candidates for a full refurbishment.

The show features the team on the hunt for the cars, refurbing them, then trying to find buyers for them in an attempt to make a $250,000 profit.

You may have encountered similar shows to this before, and some of the team have previously worked on other such projects, but the location of this series serves as a bit of a hook for viewers too. In the current climate, there is a certain leaning towards refurbishment and renewal, not just with cars but pretty much everything else too.

Other successful TV shows use a similar format, with fewer stakes, looking at upscaling old and disregarded furniture, and one UK show finds the creators actually hanging out at the rubbish tip, looking at what people are throwing away, and then asking if they can take the item off their hands to bring it a new lease of life.

If you are anything like me, you will watch these shows, think it looks easy, then be inspired to give it a go, but experience tells me that the people doing this kind of work are so incredibly talented, that they are making very difficult and long processes look accessible for mere mortals.

Well, it’s not, and I can only imagine the difficulties in bringing a whole car back to a sellable state when I had trouble with an old bar stool that the local pub was throwing away.

Where is Tex Mex Motors on Netflix filmed – a breakdown of filming locations


The premise of the show states that in the US there is a shortage of a specific kind of car that the team has established, and is going to try to make the most out of.

It appears that vintage cars that are both affordable and in good working order are becoming scarce, and sought after in the States, so the team set their sights on finding them in Mexico.

You can see the team across the border looking for abandoned cars that will be suitable for their process.

El Paso, Texas

Once the cars that are going to be used in the show are found, the team takes them back to El Paso which is on the border between Mexico and the US, in Texas.

El Paso is the twenty-second largest city in the US and you can find it on the Rio Grande across the border from Ciudad Juarez.

El Paso has a history of productions being filmed there, and you will probably already know that Breaking Bad Season 2 was set there as well as The Bridge.

Juarez, Mexico

The show also features a lot of pit stops in Juarez.

Juarez is the most populated city in the Mexican State of Chihuahua and up to 1888, it was called El Paso del Norte.

With it being highly populated, it would make sense that there would be a better chance of finding disregarded vehicles there, for the team to transform.

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