Who plays Sanji in Netflix’s One Piece live action series?

By Louie Fecou
Published: September 4, 2023
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Who plays Sanji in Netflix One Piece live action series

Who plays Sanji in Netflix’s One Piece live-action series? We discuss the popular 2023 TV show and one of the key characters.

It appears that the live-action One Piece show may be the hit the genre has been waiting for.

It’s hard to assess what makes a series work and what doesn’t, and there are many, many case studies that you can look at that try to determine what the factors were in a live-action remake that allowed it to crash and burn.

Usually, these types of adaptations will try to capture the magic of a story from a different medium, and that can be an uphill struggle. There are a number of superhero adaptations, fantasy novels, and, of course, manga that don’t land, and every time they miss, it can feel like a nail in a coffin for that particular genre.

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However, every now and then, a production that honors the source material, respects the fanbase, and welcomes newcomers will arrive as a ray of hope that can help the whole of the industry to survive.

For many, One Piece has become that show.

It has been a while since a live-action adaptation of such a well-loved property has provoked so much goodwill, and although it’s not perfect, it is really a step in the right direction.

Of course, the casting of these projects is one of the make-or-break aspects, and it looks like One Piece had the foresight to realize how important this part of the process was. However, in a production that has done its best to stay as true as it can to source, there is a change that has raised a few eyebrows in this latest production.

Our series of articles looking at casting continues with this feature that lies before you, so splice the main brace and kick back as we explore a change from the source and answer the question: Who plays Sanji in Netflix’s One Piece live-action series?

Who is Sanji in Netflix’s One Piece, and why are they important?

Sanji is another fantastic crew member who joins Luffy in the show. Sanji is an important player in the show and is a chef of incredible skill, making him a vital part of the crew of The Straw Hat Pirates.

With an eye for the ladies, the charismatic character is also a formidable fighter who acquired the nickname Black Legs, as he uses his legs, which are very strong, while in combat with others.

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Although working with Luffy, he does have his own quest in mind. Sanji is also looking for something, a mystical body of water that is known as the All Blue.

Who plays Sanji in Netflix’s One Piece?

Sanji is played by Taz Skylar. Taz has had an incredible career so far and has had just as much success on stage as he has in TV and film.

Although his first role was in The Kill Team, directed by Oscar nominee Dan Krauss, Taz would earn huge respect for his appearances live on stage in plays such as Witness for the Prosecution and Warheads at The Park Theatre in London.

It has led to Sanji having a British accent in the series, deviating from the original anime dub, but his performance is so exceptional that I hope fans will be able to overlook this discrepancy and embrace the overall performance.

What is Taz Skylar known for?

Taz would feature in a few short-form films from 2015 onwards. In 2018, he landed a role in the TV series The Reserves, following a rag-tag group that has to join the British Army Reserves.

In 2019, he would land another military-based role in The Kill Team alongside Alexander Skarsgard and would also appear in Lie Low the same year.

In 2020, he would be cast in Villain, a gritty crime thriller, and in 2021, he would find himself in hot water in the incredibly tense chef-based drama Boiling Point.

In 2022, he would find himself in two episodes of the whimsical detective series Agatha Raisin, followed by two episodes in the sci-fi TV series The Lazarus Project.

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