Where was Wilderness on Prime Video filmed?

By Louie Fecou
Published: September 16, 2023 (Last updated: last month)
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Where was Wilderness on Prime Video filmed – a breakdown of filming locations

Where was Wilderness on Prime Video filmed? We discuss the 2023 thriller series and the filming locations used by the production crew.

Wilderness is a disturbing thriller series from Prime Video starring Jenna Coleman and Oliver-Jackson Cohen. We follow Liv and Will, from the UK, a power couple living the dream in New York and madly in love, or so we think.

Will it seem he has been having an affair, and the couple’s perfect marriage seems set to dissolve?

To try and reconnect, Will feels that the couple should travel together and try to rekindle their love, so he books a trip around America’s National Parks, and the two decide to give it one more try.

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Liv seems to have a different agenda, and what is meant to be a journey of forgiveness and discovery is soon twisted into a demented horror story.

The six-episode series explores revenge and betrayal, and there are some stunning performances from the leads. The series is based on a book by B.E. Jones, and the adaptation has received some excellent reviews, including the ones you can read right here on Ready Steady Cut.

Because we know that fans of a show want to know everything about it, we have every episode covered and more.

This article is another companion piece and is more focussed on the show’s production, so find a nice spot to settle down and read the answer to the question: where was Wilderness on Prime Video filmed?

Where was Wilderness on Prime Video filmed – a breakdown of filming locations

New York

The show needed a lot of location work due to the nature of the story, and there was some work done in New York, where Live and Will are living at the start of the story.

It seems that an additional shot of New York was done in Vancouver, but the shots of the couple in the Meatpacking District were filmed on location.

Las Vegas

Just past the halfway mark in the show, we see The Grand Canyon and the Vegas strip, and these were filmed on location, with some scenes recorded inside the canyon itself.

Whistler, British Columbia

Many shots were recorded in Canada, and scenes of Cara on a hanging bridge were recorded outside of Whistler.

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An article in Good to Know explains the problems with the shot, noise from the river, and the weather, but the result was worth it.

Banff, Alberta

Good to Know also points out that location Manager Michael Farias utilized Banff, Alberta, in the location work, stating that filming was done at the Fairmont Banff Springs Resort.

He mentions filming in Kananaskis, Alberta, and Squamish, British Columbia, for a white water rafting ride.


It seems that the shoot also took place against Vancouver’s stunning backdrop and landscape, helping to create an amazing feel for the thriller.


It looks like those scenes on the open road were filmed in Arizona. Where else can you capture that lighting and those long tracking shots on an open road?

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