Tokyo Vice Season 2 Episode 9 Recap – What Happens to Tin Tin?

By Ricky Valero
Published: March 28, 2024 (Last updated: 3 days ago)
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Tokyo Vice Season 2 Episode 9 Recap
Tokyo Vice Season 2 | Image via Max




The intensity built within each story of Tokyo Vice keeps you on the edge of your seat. Each episode is better than the last, and this was beautifully built heading into the finale.

Sato struggles to be the new leader of the Chihara-kai in Episode 9 of Tokyo Vice Season 2. Jake, Eimi, and his colleagues get a lead where they think they might have figured out how Tozawa was able to get into the United States. However, things quickly get ugly when one of the newspaper writers is attacked and sent to the ER.

What does Sato present to the leader of the Ichikawa-gumi?

After Sato takes down Hayama, the men of the Chihara-kai drop like flies. He visits Ichikawa-kumicho to discuss the next steps in business. Sato explains that Tozawa is after anyone and everyone and presents the idea of the Ichikawa-gumi and Chihara-kai forming an alliance. However, Ichikawa informs him they have already cut a deal with Tozawa. Instead, with Hayama gone, Ichikawa offers to get Sato a meeting with Tozawa to broker peace.

Eimi, Jake, and their colleagues discuss ideas of how Tozawa has gotten away with as much as he has, and they think it might be due to a deal he cut with the FBI. Trendy heads to meet with his friend/fling Josh to see if he could look into the paperwork that might’ve been signed.

What did Tozawa blackmail Funaki with?

After figuring out Funaki had ducked during the drive-by shooting, Detective Katagiri pulls him into interrogation to talk to him. He shows him pictures of him and an underage girl, and Funaki says they were under a sealed document. Funaki confesses that Tozawa used the photos to blackmail him to reveal the location of where their witness would be, leading to his death.

Detective Funaki tells Katagiri that he had protected him because he didn’t tell Tozawa where his family lived, even though he wanted the information. Katagiri comes up with the idea of having Funaki call Tozawa to give him the information.

What does Jason find out about Tozawa?

Jason contacted an old colleague who informed him that Tozawa had been an FBI informant for a year and a half. Tozawa has been providing information that has resulted in a few significant busts in the US.

At a gold outing, Tozawa is negotiating with some higher-ups to get a seat on the board. However, one of the men tells Tozawa he saw his “girl” at an Embassy Party while he was gone. Tozawa laughs it off, but the man continues saying he saw him with a gaijin, a journalist, and he gets mad.

Jake meets with the FBI agent, who tells them that a “school teacher” has gotten the transplant. He pushes her, asking how a school teacher would’ve given the doctor a quarter-million dollar watch. Jake says they have copies that Tozawa is an FBI agent and will publish them in the paper. The FBI agent doesn’t believe him, but she says they will give a quote in return for him telling her the source he got the documents from.

What happens to Tin Tin?

Tin Tin heads to the doctor’s office, where Tozawa and his men get fixed up after anything goes wrong. He pushes his way into the doctor’s office and confronts him about everything he has done. After getting the information he needs, Tin Tin calls the news station, but on his way back, he is stabbed multiple times, falling to the ground.

Eimi’s boss finds out about the stabbing and heads to the emergency room. He confronts Eimi about a story that will reportedly lead to more reporters dying. She tells him it’s about Tozawa and his connection to the FBI, and he tells her to kill the story and move on.

How does Tokyo Vice Season 2 Episode 9 end?

Detective Katagiri uses Funaki to reel in Yabuki to come to the hotel. Once inside the room, Yabuki picks up the gun off the bed and tries to shoot Katagiri. However, there are no bullets in it, and Detective Nagata arrives to inform Yabuki he is under arrest for the shooting at the club. Yabuki says that he wasn’t there, but the gun he picked up off the bed was the gun from the shootout, and his fingerprints are on it.

As Detective Katagiri sends Detective Nagata on her way with Yabuki, he says he is going to check on Jake. A car pulls up, and it is Tozawa’s wife, Kazuko, who provides information about where the contact between Tozawa and the FBI is located.

What did you think of Tokyo Vice Season 2 Episode 9? Comment below.


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