Movie Reviews

Movie reviews are our specialty and passion. We deliver ratings and insights on films of all genres and sizes—from blockbuster hits to independent gems and streaming platform originals. Here is our extensive collection of reviews where we give our final opinion on many movies.

We also do TV Reviews too.

Friday Night Plan Review – a touching teen comedy about the relationship between siblings

September 1 2023, by Lori Meek

Here is our review of the 2023 Netflix Hindi movie Friday Night Plan, which does not contain significant spoilers. The Hindi-language Friday Night Plan is a teen...

Choose Love Review – interactive rom-com experience

August 31 2023, by Romey Norton

Here is our review of the 2023 Netflix interactive movie Choose Love, which does not contain significant spoilers. Choose Love is the first-ever interactive rom-com...

Killer Book Club Review – a great concept for a slasher with a hard-hitting story

August 25 2023, by Amanda Guarragi

Here is our review of the 2023 Netflix movie Killer Book Club, which does not contain significant spoilers. The good thing about Netflix is that...

You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah Review – the Sandlers are a smash hit

August 25 2023, by Romey Norton

Here is our review of the 2023 Netflix movie You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah does not contain spoilers. You Are So...

Vacation Friends 2 Review – Cena and Howery can’t save lackluster writing

August 25 2023, by Ricky Valero

This review of the Hulu film Vacation Friends 2 does not contain spoilers. Marcus, Emily, Ron, and Kyla are back for another round of the...

Squared Love Everlasting Review – an empty romantic comedy with an obscure story

August 23 2023, by Amanda Guarragi

Here is our review of the 2023 Netflix movie Squared Love Everlasting, which does not contain spoilers. The Squared Love films have become a trilogy now on...

Untold: Swamp Kings Review – an enthralling look of an infamous figure

August 22 2023, by M.N. Miller

Here is our review of the Netflix documentary movie Untold: Swamp Kings, released on August 22nd, 2023.  Untold: Swamp Kings leaves much to be desired...

Love, Sex and 30 Candles Review – an exploration of love, womanhood and friendship with women approaching their thirties

August 18 2023, by Amanda Guarragi

Here is our review of the 2023 South African Netflix movie Love, Sex and 30 Candles, which does not contain spoilers. There are moments that...

10 Days of a Bad Man Review – A Strong Thriller With Two Mysteries Being Investigated Simultaneously

August 18 2023, by Amanda Guarragi

The first film in this three-parter, 10 Days of A Good Man, was released in early 2022. That Turkish film is about a lawyer turned...

The Monkey King (2023) Review – a lively and chaotic journey to find companionship

August 17 2023, by Kieran Burt

Here is our review of the 2023 Netflix movie The Monkey King, which does not contain significant spoilers. 2023 has seen some amazing animated films....

Jared Freid: 37 & Single Review – The plane has landed, please don’t clap

August 16 2023, by Ricky Valero

This review of the Netflix film Jared Freid: 37 & Single does not contain spoilers. Jared Freid performed his first stand-up comedy set on April...

Eye of the Storm Review (2023) – a tragic Taiwanese thriller

August 15 2023, by Romey Norton

Here is our review of the 2023 Taiwanese Netflix film Eye of the Storm, which does not contain spoilers. Are we sick of films that...

Untold: Hall of Shame Review – catch Conte if you can

August 14 2023, by M.N. Miller

We review the 2023 Netflix documentary film Untold: Hall of Shame, released on August 15th, 2023.  You may have never watched a documentary feature like...

Heart of Stone Review – An artificially enhanced spy thriller

August 11 2023, by M.N. Miller

Here is our review of the 2023 Netflix movie Heart of Stone, which does not contain significant spoilers. There’s much to admire about Heart of...

Red, White & Royal Blue Review – A funny, smart, and sassy romantic comedy

August 11 2023, by M.N. Miller

Here is our review of the 2023 Prime Video movie Red, White & Royal Blue, which does not contain spoilers. We are in the groundbreaking...

Marry My Dead Body Review – long and lacklustre

August 10 2023, by Romey Norton

Here is our review of the Netflix Taiwanese movie Marry My Dead Body (2022), which does not contain spoilers. Don’t worry or be disappointed. This...

The Passenger (2023) Review – a low-budget thriller that exceeds all expectations

August 10 2023, by Adam Lock

Here is our review of the 2023 MGM+ movie The Passenger, which does not contain significant spoilers. The Passenger is a low-budget horror movie to...

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh Part 2 Review

August 9 2023, by Amanda Guarragi

Here is our review of the 2023 Netflix anime movie The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh Part 2, which does not contain spoilers. In...