Recap: ‘The Acolyte’ Episode 5 Is The Best Yet — And It’s Not Even Close
One thing I’m not is a hater, so I’m happy to admit that Episode 5 of The Acolyte, fittingly titled “Night” after Episode 4, “Day”,...
‘Trying’ Season 5 Could Be On The Cards After Cast Tease Season 4 Cliffhanger
Why wouldn’t anyone want a season 5 of Trying? Nikki and Jason are everyone’s favorite parents, and Season 4 only elevates that feeling as they...
A So-So Ending Can’t Salvage A Disappointing Adaptation Of ‘Dark Matter’
It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that the ending of Dark Matter is neither as exciting as it should be nor as clever as it...
‘Trying’ Season 4, Episode 7: What Happens When Nikki Meets Princess’s Mom In Spain Special?
The key plot point in Trying Season 4 has been Princess’s desperation to meet her birth mom, Kat, to get answers about her upbringing. This...
Recap: Rusty Reaches His Lowest Ebb In ‘Presumed Innocent’ Episode 4
Every episode of Presumed Innocent thus far has depicted Rusty Sabich as a deeply selfish and arrogant man at best and a hopping madman at...
Recap: Rusty Is His Own Worst Enemy In ‘Presumed Innocent’ Episode 3
Rusty Sabich is his own worst enemy. This has been obvious since the beginning of Presumed Innocent, which made him look terrible in Episode 1...
Recap: Things Go From Bad To Worse For Rusty In ‘Presumed Innocent’ Episode 2
The Presumed Innocent premiere made a real point of depicting Jake Gyllenhaal as a detestable psycho, and Episode 2, “People vs. Rozat Sabich”, gets right...
Recap: ‘Presumed Innocent’ Episode 1 Inverts The Thriller Genre
Legal thrillers are usually built around guilt, in one way or another, but it tends to be the accused whose true nature is mysterious. The...
‘Doctor Climax’ Is Based On Real Q&A Columns From The 1970s
Doctor Climax isn’t a true story, but it’s close. Partially inspired by real-life newspaper correspondence, which isn’t entirely surprising when you consider its setting of...
‘Gangs of Galicia’ Season 2 Would Have To Take Some Chances
Like most original Netflix shows, Gangs of Galicia clearly angles for Season 2 with an open-ended conclusion that leaves a few things unresolved. But the show...
‘Kleks Academy’ 2 Could Explore Fairylandia More, But The Sequel Would Need To Improve
The possibilities of Kleks Academy 2 does have something riding on it, and that’s success at the Polish box office. According to Cineuropa, Kleks Academy...
‘Gangs of Galicia’ And The True Story That Inspired The Netflix Series
Many crime dramas use real events as the basis for their fictional narrative, and Gangs of Galicia is no different. Based loosely on a police operation to...
Recap: ‘House of the Dragon’ Season 2 Continues To Pull No Punches in Episode 2
You know House of the Dragon is a grim show because in the Season 2 premiere a child got his head cut off. But you...
Recap: The Plot Thickens In ‘Miss Night and Day’ Episodes 3 & 4
Episodes 3 and 4 of Miss Night and Day only prove what I said in my recap of the premiere. This isn’t the best show...
Recap: New Alliances Are Formed In ‘Mayor of Kingstown’ Season 3, Episode 4
Police forces the world over are famously intolerant of attacks on their own, so it isn’t much of a surprise that Episode 4 of Mayor...
‘Trying’ Season 4 Review: “I Love This Series, Even With Its Flawed View On Adoption”
No word of a lie, when I started writing this review, I wrote: “If someone told me that Esther Smith and Rafe Spall were together...
‘Gangs of Galicia’ Is A Sub-Par Crime Thriller With A Silly Ending
You can have too much of a good thing, and Gangs of Galicia proves it. The drug-fuelled international crime thriller is a beloved streaming mainstay,...
‘Gangs of Galicia’ Lives Up To Its Title With Its On-Location Production
Gangs of Galicia tells the story of Ana, a lawyer new to the small town of Cambados, who manages to upset the status quo and...