Here’s everything that happened in Mr. and Mrs. Smith Season 1

By Lori Meek - February 2, 2024 (Last updated: May 20, 2024)
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Season 1 Recap (Episodes 1-8)
Mr. and Mrs. Smith | Image via Prime Video
By Lori Meek - February 2, 2024 (Last updated: May 20, 2024)


In Season 1 of Prime Video’s Mr. and Mrs. Smith we’re introduced to John and Jane, two new spies at an international company they know nothing about. The couple has to work together while pretending to be a married couple. Naturally, their relationship moves past the professional, and during the eight episodes, we watch their romance blossom and sour to the point of trying to kill each other. Here’s a season recap of what happened during Episodes 1-8. 

Episode 1 – “First Date”

John and Jane Smith are code names for a pair of spies who take on a job with a mysterious international company. The protagonists must stop communicating with the outside world and move in together as a married couple. They receive their instructions via text from an unseen supervisor they nicknamed “Hihi.”

The couple’s first mission in Episode 1 has them following an older woman around New York City, stealing a package from her and delivering it to a set address. To John and Jane’s disappointment, the package contained a cake. But the cake was a bomb that blew up the address the pair delivered it to. 

During the mission, John and Jane get to know each other. They decide to sleep in separate beds, and we find out Jane brought her cat, Max, from her real-life home. 

Episode 2 – “Second Date”

At the start of Episode 2, Jane makes it clear she wants to maintain a professional boundary and not get romantically involved with John. For the mission, the pair make their way into a silent auction where they’re supposed to inject a single dose of truth serum into real-estate mogul Eric Shane. 

A miscommunication leads to the couple accidentally giving Eric a double dose of the drug and he doesn’t survive the experience. After disposing of his body, the pair forget all about the professional boundaries and sleep together. Unimpressed with Eric’s death, Hihi informs the Smiths they are allowed three fails and already received their first. 

Episode 3 – “First Vacation”

In an Italian ski resort, John and Jane are tasked with watching married couple Gavol and Parker. What initially starts as a holiday for the spies turns sour when John admits to still being in contact with his mom. 

The pair’s mission in Episode 3 involves them bugging Gavol and Parker’s phones. When Gavol is abducted, the kidnappers call Parker and ask him for his company shares to save his wife’s life. The man chooses to let Gavol die, but John intervenes and rescues her. 

Surprisingly, the event brings Gavol and Parker closer and may have saved their marriage. John and Jane also confess to having feelings for each other at the end of the mission. 

Episode 4 – “Double Date”

At a farmer’s market, John accidentally runs into another John, also working for the same company. The other Smiths couple work at the Super High-Risk level, which is one step above our protagonists. 

John and Jane invite their new friends over for dinner, where the two couples bond over their shared employment and music taste. Our Smiths agree to accompany the other couple on one of their missions but are shocked when the Super High-Risk pair stay behind, forcing John and Jane to do the mission on their own. In the rainforest, John and Jane express their love for each other before having to fight their way out with a machete. 

While the friendship with the other couple soured, John and Jane end Episode 4 admitting to loving the other. 

Episode 5 – “Do You Want Kids?”

In the picturesque Lake Como area, John and Jane have to keep Toby, an important asset, alive. The pair are forced to improvise when their original safe house is compromised and end up spending the night at a lakeside cottage. To Jane’s surprise, John bought the little Italian home on a whim. 

The mission in Episode 5 ends with Jane blowing up the cottage (to save everyone) and Toby safely in his rescue plane. Taking care of the immature man for a couple of days leads to John and Jane arguing over wanting children. He wants kids, but she doesn’t think their current employment is ideal for raising a family. 

Hihi seems to be favoring Jane’s work over her partner and even offers to assign a replacement. 

Episode 6 – “Couples Therapy (Naked & Afraid)”

With their marriage on the rocks, in Episode 6 John and Jane visit a marriage therapist played by Sarah Paulson. During three sessions, they talked about several missions where each did something to annoy the other. On the third mission, the Smiths got lost in the woods while tracking a target. While arguing, Jane berated her spy husband for being too close to his mom. John accused Jane of having no feelings. The mission ended with a second failure. 

At the end of their third therapy session, the couple decided to try and work on different projects for a while. Unfortunately for the therapist, they also burned her house down after finding out she recorded the sessions. 

Episode 7 – “Infidelity”

In Episode 7, we find out that John has spent a month getting close to Bev, his target. Jane intervenes after he fails to kill the woman, but Bev outsmarts the two of them and escapes. While Jane is livid about John’s emotional affair with Bev, he doesn’t think he did anything wrong as he never slept with the other woman. The Smiths earn their third and final failure, but John decides to quit the Company and move out of the house. 

Episode 8 – “A Breakup”

In the season’s final installment, Episode 8, John and Jane assume recent attempts on their life were made by the other. Jane’s beloved cat is caught in the crossfire. The two turn on each other and have a showdown at the house. 

John injects Jane with truth serum, the pair make up, and have a touching heart-to-heart when they realize this was all a misunderstanding. Unfortunately, Hihi contracted the Super High-Risk Smiths to terminate John and Jane. The couple take shelter inside their panic room, but John is shot and is bleeding out. 

Season 1 ends without confirming whether John and Jane survive. 

That was our recap of Mr. and Mrs. Smith Season 1 (Episodes 1-8). We want to know your thoughts! What did you think of the series? Let us know in the comments. 

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