Firefly Lane: Why Season 3 Isn’t Happening and Sequel Prospects

By Romey Norton
Published: May 3, 2023 (Last updated: February 29, 2024)
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Firefly Lane: Why Season 3 Isn’t Happening and Sequel Prospects

Was Firefly Lane canceled, and why did Netflix not opt for a Season 3? We discuss the series and the future of the story, including a potential sequel. 

Firefly Lane is the Netflix drama starring actress legends Sarah Chalke (Scrubs) and Katherine Heigl (Grey’s Anatomy), who play two best friends and has finished its second and final season.

As the series is based on a novel by the same name by Kristin Hannah, fans, we’re probably expecting a few more series, so what’s happened?

This series is about friendship and sisterhood between two best friends, Tully and Kate, who meet as young girls on Firefly Lane and become inseparable. Audiences follow their thirty-year friendship through the highs and the lows of love, loss, marriage, divorce, motherhood, and navigating careers. 

In the two seasons, the story has come to a natural end, similar to the book, and while it’s hard to say goodbye, I think it’s a heartbreaking yet heartfelt end to a strong series. 

There are 26 episodes to watch across the two seasons; all episodes have a runtime of roughly one hour, making for a perfect binge-watch.

Was Firefly Lane Season 3 Canceled?

No, the series was not canceled. In October 2022, months after it was announced for a season 2, Netflix announced that Firefly Lane would end. They announced Season 2 would be a “super-sized” season and released in two halves.

This could have been a third and final season, as the second part had seven episodes. However, when you watch it, it works very well and doesn’t break up the flow and pace of the story like having giant breaks in between seasons. The story between Kate and Tully has naturally come to an end.

Will there be a sequel to Firefly Lane?

There is some hope for fans, as the book Firefly Lane has its sequel called Fly Away.

While there is no confirmation this will be made into a sequel series (yet), fans can be hopeful that Netflix might have its eye on it already. (I mean, they’d be silly not to, right?)

What is the Firefly Lane Sequel book Fly Away about?

Fly Away is the story of three women who have lost their way and need one another to get their lives back on track. In this sequel, Tully and Marah are the characters dealing with the aftermath of Kate’s tragic battle with cancer and its impact on their lives. 

Tully is working as a celebrity news reporter and presenter, but things are not going smoothly for her. It delves into her estranged relationship with her mother, Cloud. (who is played by Beau Garrett in the series). Cloud, a hippy drug addict mother, wants to make amends and help her daughter, but will Tully be forgiving? 

Marah, who was sixteen when her mum died, runs away and drops out of society. Marah’s father, Johnny, is also struggling to cope without Kate. 

Like the first book, this is about friendship, female relationships, and growth. The book has the characters unite to make one another better and stronger through the good and bad times. 

When is Fly Away the book set?

The book is set four years after Kate’s death and moves back in time to show what has happened in the intervening years.

Fingers crossed, we’ll see this story on our screens soon, with familiar acting faces!

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